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the origins of contemporary france-4-第70章

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committee who had conspired against him。  He shouted so loud as to

collect together a number of citizens on the Tuileries terrace。〃

Finally; 〃he pushed hypocrisy so far as to shed tears。〃 The nervous

machine; I imagine; broke down。  … Another member of the committee;

Prieur; (Carnot; 〃Mémoires;〃 II。; 525); relates that; in the month of

Floréal; after another equally long and violent session; 〃Robespierre;

exhausted; became ill。〃

'169' Carnot; 〃Mémoires;〃 II。  526。  〃As his bureau was in a separate

place; where none of us set foot; he could retire to it without coming

in contact with any of us; as in effect; he did。  He even made a

pretence of passing through the committee rooms; after the session was

over; and he signed some papers; but he really neglected nothing;

except our common discussions。  He held frequent conferences in his

house with the presidents of the revolutionary tribunals; over which

his influence was greater than ever。〃

'170' Dauban; 〃Paris en 1794;〃 563。  … Archives Nationales; AF。II。;

58。  The signature of Robespierre; in his own handwriting; is found

affixed to many of the resolutions of the Committee of Public Safety;

passed Thermidor 5 and 7; and those of St。  Just and Couthon after

this; up to Thermidor 3; 6 and 7。  On the register of the minutes of

the Committee of Public Safety; Robespierre is always recorded as

present at all meetings between Messidor 1 and Thermidor 8; inclusive。

'171' Archives Nationales; F。7; 4438。  Report to the Committee of

Public Safety by Herman; Commissioner of the civil and Police

administrations and of the Courts; Messidor 3; year II。  〃The

committee charged with a general surpervision of the prisons; and

obliged to recognize that all the rascals mostly concerned with

liberticide plots are。  。  。  。  still in the prisons; forming a band

apart; and rendering surveillance very troublesome; they are a

constant source of disorder; always getting up attempts to escape;

being a daily assemblage of persons devoting themselves wholly to

imprecations against liberty and its defenders。  。  。  。  It would be

easy to point out in each prison; those who have served; and are to

serve; the diverse factions; the diverse conspiracies。  。  。  。  It

may be necessary; perhaps; to purge the prisons at once and free the

soil of liberty of their filth; the refuse of humanity。〃 The Committee

of Public Safety consequently 〃charges the commission to ascertain in

the prisons of Paris。  。  。  who have been more specially concerned in

the diverse factions and conspiracies that the National convention has

destroyed。〃 The word 〃approved〃 appears at the foot of the resolution

in Robespierre's handwriting; then the signature of Robespierre; and

lower down; those of Billaud and Barère。  A similar resolution

providing for the 7th of Messidor; signed by the same parties and five

others; is dispatched the same day。  (M。 de Martel came across and

made use of this conclusive document before I did; most of it being

quoted in 〃Les Types Revolutionnaires。〃)

'172' Buchez et Roux; XXXIII。; 434。


Let us follow the operations of the new government from top to bottom;

from those of its ruling bodies and leaders; to its assemblies;

committees; delegates; administrators and underlings of every kind and

degree。  Like living flesh stamped with a red…hot iron; so will the

situation put one their brows the two marks; each with its own

different depth and discoloration。  In vain do they; too; strive to

conceal their scars: we detect under the crowns and titles they assume

the brand of the slave or the mark of the tyrant。

I。   The Convention。

The Convention。  … The 〃Plain。〃 … The 〃Mountain。〃 … Degradation of

Souls。  … Parades which the Convention is obligated to make。

At the Tuileries; the omnipotent Convention sits enthroned in the

theater; converted into an Assembly room。  It carries on its

deliberations daily; in grand style。  Its decrees; received with blind

obedience; startle France and upset all Europe。  At a distance; its

majesty is imposing; more august than that of the Republican senate in

Rome。  Near by; the effect is quite otherwise; these undisputed

sovereigns are serfs who live in trances; and justly so; for; nowhere;

even in prison; is there more constraint and less security than on

their benches。  After the 2nd of June; 1793; their inviolable

precincts; the grand official reservoir from which legal authority

flows; becomes a sort of tank; into which the revolutionary net

plunges and successfully brings out its choicest fish; singly or by

the dozen; and sometimes in vast numbers; at first; the sixty…seven

Girondist deputies; who are executed or proscribed; then; the seventy…

three members of the 〃Right;〃 swept off in one day and lodged in the

prison of La Force; next; the prominent Jacobins:

Osselin; arrested on the 19th of Brumaire; Bazire; Chabot; and

Delaunay; accused by decree on the 24th Brumaire; Fabre d'Eglantine;

arrested on the 24th of Niv?se; Bernard; guillotined on the 3rd of

Pluvi?se; Anacharsis Clootz guillotined on the 4th of Germinal;

Hérault de Séchelles; Lacroix; Philippeaux; Camille Desmoulins and

Danton; guillotined with four others on the 10th of Germinal; Simon;

guillotined on the 24th of Germinal; and Osselin; guillotined on the

8th of Messidor。  … Naturally; the others take warning and are

careful。  At the opening of the session they are seen entering the

hall; looking uneasy; full of distrust;〃'1' like animals driven into a

pen and suspicious of a trap。

〃Each;〃 writes an eye…witness; 〃acted and spoke with circumspection;

for fear of being charged with some crime: in effect; nothing was

unimportant; the seat one took; a glance of the eye; a gesture; a

murmur; a smile。〃

Hence; they flock instinctively to the side which is best sheltered;

the left side。

 〃The tide flowed towards the summit of the Mountain; the right side

was deserted。  。  。  。  Many took no side at all; and; during the

session; often changed their seats; thinking that they might thus

elude the spy by donning a mixed hue and keeping on good terms with

everybody。  The most prudent never sat down; they kept off the

benches; at the foot of the tribune; and; on matters getting to be

serious; slipped quietly out of the hall。〃

Most of them took refuge in their committee…rooms; each tries to be

over…looked; to be obscure; to appear insignificant or absent。'2'

During the four months following the 2nd of June; the hall of the

Convention is half or three…quarters empty; the election of a

president does not bring out two hundred and fifty voters;'3' only two

hundred; one hundred; fifty votes; elect the Committees of Public

Safety and General Security; about fifty votes elect the judges of the

Revolutionary Tribunal; less than ten votes elect their

substitutes;'4' not one vote is cast for the adoption of the decree

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