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the origins of contemporary france-4-第51章

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and words strung together haphazard;'6' of gratuitous and incoherent

suppositions in which the doctrines of the seventeenth and eighteenth

centuries; coupled together; end in empty phraseology。  〃Soul and Body

are distinct substances with no essential relationship; being

connected together solely through the nervous fluid;〃 this fluid is

not gelatinous for the spirits by which it is renewed contains no

gelatin; the soul; excited by this; excites that; hence the place

assigned to it 〃in the brain。〃 … His 〃 Optics〃'7' is the reverse of

the great truth already discovered by Newton more than a century

before; and since confirmed by more than another century of experiment

and calculation。  On〃 Heat 〃 and 〃Electricity〃 he merely puts forth

feeble hypotheses and literary generalizations; one day; driven to the

wall; he inserts a needle in a resin to make this a conductor; in

which piece of scientific trickery he is caught by the physicist

Charles。'8' He is not even qualified to comprehend the great

discoverers of his age; Laplace; Monge; Lavoisier; or Fourcroy; on the

contrary; he libels them in the style of a low rebellious subordinate;

who; without the shadow of a claim; aims to take the place of

legitimate authorities。  In Politics; he adopts every absurd idea in

vogue growing out of the 〃Contrat…Social〃 based on natural right; and

which he renders still more absurd by repeating as his own the

arguments advanced by those bungling socialists; who; physiologists

astray in the moral world; derive all rights from physical


 〃All human rights issue from physical wants'9'。。。   If a man has

nothing; he has a right to any surplus with which another gorges

himself。  What do I say? He has a right to seize the indispensable;

and; rather than die of hunger; he may cut another's throat and eat

his throbbing flesh。  。  。  。  Man has a right to self…preservation;

to the property; the liberty and even the lives of his fellow

creatures。  To escape oppression he has a right to repress; to bind

and to massacre。  He is free to do what he pleases to ensure his own


It is plain enough what this leads to。  … But; let the consequences be

what they may; whatever he writes or does; it is always in self…

admiration and always in a counter sense; being as vain…glorious of

his encyclopedic impotence as he is of his social mischievousness。

Taking his word for it; his discoveries in Physics will render him


 〃They will at least effect a complete transformation in Optics。  。  。

。  The true primitive colors were unknown before me。〃

He is a Newton; and still better。  Previous to his appearance 〃the

place occupied by the electrical fluid in nature; considered as an

universal agent; was completely ignored。   。  。  I have made it known

in such a way as to leave no further doubt about it。〃'11'  As to the

heat…engendering fluid; 〃that substance unknown until my discovery; I

have freed the theory from every hypothesis and conjecture; from every

alembic argument; I have purged it of error; I have rendered it

intuitive; I have written this out in a small volume which consigns to

oblivion all that scientific bodies have hitherto published on that

subject。〃'12'  Anterior to his treatise on 〃Man;〃 the relationships

between moral and physics were incomprehensible。  〃Descartes;

Helvetius; Hailer; Lecat; Hume; Voltaire; Bonnet; held this to be an

impenetrable secret; 'an enigma。'〃  He has solved the problem; he has

fixed the seat of the soul; he has determined the medium through which

the soul communicates with the body。'13' … In the higher sciences;

those treating of nature generally; or of human society; he reaches

the climax。  〃I believe that I have exhausted every combination of the

human intellect in relation to morals; philosophy and political

science。〃'14'  Not only has he discovered the true theory of

government; but he is a statesman; a practical expert; able to

forecast the future and shape events。  He makes predictions; on the

average; twice a week; which always turn out right; he already claims;

during the early sessions of the Convention; to have made 〃three

hundred predictions on the leading points of the Revolution; all

justified by the event。〃'15'  In the face of the Constituents who

demolish and reconstruct so slowly; he is sufficiently strong to take

down; put up and complete at a moment's notice。

〃If I were one of the people's tribunes'16' and were supported by a

few thousand determined men; I answer for it that; in six weeks; the

Constitution would be perfected; the political machine well agoing;

and the nation free and happy。  In less than a year there would be a

flourishing; formidable government which would remain so as long as I

lived。〃… If necessary; he could act as commander…in…chief of the army

and always be victorious: having twice seen the Vendeans carry on a

fight he would end the war 〃at the first encounter。〃'17'  〃If I

could stand the march; I would go in person and carry out my views。

At the head of a small party of trusty troops the rebels could be

easily put down to the last man; and in one day。  I know something of

military art; and; without boasting; I can answer for success。〃  On

any difficulty occurring; it is owing to his advice not having been

taken; he is the great political physician: his diagnosis from the

beginning of the Revolution is always correct; his prognosis

infallible; his therapeutics efficacious; humane and salutary。  He

provides the panacea and he should be allowed to prescribe it; only;

to ensure a satisfactory operation; he should himself administer the

dose。  Let the public lancet; therefore; be put in his hands that he

may perform the humanitarian operation of bloodletting。  〃Such are my

opinions。  I have published them in my works。  I have signed them with

my name and I am not ashamed of it。  。  。  。  If you are not equal to

me and able to comprehend me so much the worse for you。〃'18' In other

words; in his own eyes; Marat is in advance of everybody else and;

through his superior genius and character; he is the veritable savior。

Such are the symptoms by which medical men recognize immediately one

of those partial lunatics who may not be put in confinement; but who

are all the more dangerous;'19' the malady; as they would express it

in technical terms; may be called the ambitious delirium; well known

in lunatic asylums。    Two predispositions; one an habitually

perverted judgment; and the other a colossal excess of self…

esteem;'20' constitute its sources; and nowhere are both more prolific

than in Marat。  Never did a man with such diversified culture; possess

such an incurably perverted intellect。  Never did a man; after so many

abortive speculations and such repeated malpractices; conceive and

maintain so high an opinion of himself。  Each of these two sources in

him augments the other: through his faculty of not seeing things as

they are; he attribute
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