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the origins of contemporary france-4-第44章

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possible is; in all times; one of man's great needs; and; in our days;

it is his greatest need。  There are two reasons for this; one natural

and the other historical。  …

By nature Man is an individual; that is to say a small distinct world

in himself; a center apart in an enclosed circle; a detached organism

complete in itself and which suffers when his spontaneous inclinations

are frustrated by the intervention of an outside force。

The passage of time has made him a complicated organism; upon which

three or four religions; five or six civilizations; thirty centuries

of rich culture have left their imprint; in which its acquisitions are

combined together; wherein inherited qualities are crossbred; wherein

special traits have accumulated in such a way as to produce the most

original and the most sensitive of beings。  As civilization increases;

so does his complexity: with the result that man's originality

strengthens and his sensitivity become keener; from which it follows

that the more civilized he becomes; the greater his repugnance to

constraint and uniformity。

 At the present day; (1880); each of us is the terminal and peculiar

product of a vast elaboration of which the diverse stages occur in

this order but once; a plant unique of its species; a solitary

individual of superior and finer essence which; with its own inward

structure and its own inalienable type; can bear no other than its own

characteristic fruit。  Nothing could be more adverse to the interest

of the oak than to be tortured into bearing the apples of the apple

tree; nothing could be more adverse to the interests of the apple tree

than to be tortured into bearing acorns; nothing could be more opposed

to the interests of both oak and apple tree; also of other trees; than

to be pruned; shaped and twisted so as all to grow after a forced

model; delineated on paper according to the rigid and limited

imagination of a surveyor。  The least possible constraint is;

therefore; everybody's chief interest; if one particular restrictive

agency is established; it is that every one may be preserved by if

from other more powerful constraints; especially those which the

foreigner and evil…doer would impose。  Up to that point; and not

further; its intervention is beneficial; beyond that point; it becomes

one of the evils it is intended to forestall。  Such then; if the

common weal is to be looked after; the sole office of the State is;

1。  to prevent constraint and; therefore; never to use it except to

prevent worse constraints;

2。  to secure respect for each individual in his own physical and

moral domain; never to encroach on this except for that purpose and

then to withdraw immediately;

3。  to abstain from all indiscreet meddling; and yet more; as far as

is practicable; without any sacrifice of public security;

4。  to reduce old assessments; to exact only a minimum of subsidies

and services;

5。  to gradually limit even useful action;

6。  to set itself as few tasks as possible;

7。  to let each one have all the room possible and the maximum of


8。  to slowly abandon monopolies;

9。  to refrain from competition with private parties;

10。  to rid itself of functions which these private parties can

fulfill equally well …

and we see that the limits assigned to the State by the public

interest (l'intérêt commun) correspond to those stipulated by duty and



Indirect common interest。  … This consists in the most economical and

most productive employment of spontaneous forces。  … Difference

between voluntary labor and forced labor。  … Sources of man's

spontaneous action。  Conditions of their energy; work and products。  …

Motives for leaving them under personal control。  … Extent of the

private domain。  … Individuals might voluntarily extend it。  … What is

left becomes the domain of the State。  … Obligatory functions of the

State。  … Optional functions of the State。

Let us now take into consideration; no longer the direct; but the

indirect interest of all。  Instead of considering individuals let us

concern ourselves with their works。  Let us regard human society as a

material and spiritual workshop; whose perfection consists in making

it as productive; economical; and as well furnished and managed as

possible 。  Even with this secondary and subordinate aim; the domain

of the State is scarcely to be less restricted: very few new functions

are to be attributed to it; nearly all the rest will be better

fulfilled by independent persons; or by natural or voluntary

associations。  …

Let us consider the man who works for his own benefit; the farmer; the

manufacturer; the merchant; and observe how attentive he is to his

business。  This is because his interest and pride are involved。  One

side his welfare and that of those around him is at stake; his

capital; his reputation; his social position and advancement; on the

other side; are poverty; ruin; social degradation; dependence;

bankruptcy and the alms…house。  In the presence of this alternative he

keeps close watch and becomes industrious; he thinks of his business

even when abed or at his meals; he studies it; not from a distance;

speculatively; in a general way; but on the spot; practically; in

detail; in all its bearings and relationships; constantly calculating

difficulties and resources; with such sharp insight and special

information that for any other person to try to solve the daily

problem which he solves; would be impossible; because nobody could

possess or estimate as he can the precise elements which constitute

it。  … Compare with this unique devotion and these peculiar

qualifications the ordinary capacity and listless regularity of a

senior public official; even when expert and honest。  He is sure of

his salary; provided he does his duty tolerably well; and this he does

when he is occupied during official hours。  Let his papers be correct;

in conformity with regulations and custom; and nothing more is asked

of him; he need not tax his brain beyond that。  If he conceives any

economical measure; or any improvement of his branch of the service;

not he; but the public; an anonymous and vague impersonality; reaps

all the benefit of it。  Moreover; why should he care about it; since

his project or reform might end up in the archives。  The machine is

too vast and complicated; too unwieldy; too clumsy; with its rusty

wheels; its 〃 old customs and acquired rights;〃 to be renewed and

rebuilt as one might a farm; a warehouse or a foundry。  Accordingly;

he has no idea of troubling himself further in the matter; on leaving

his office he dismisses it from his mind; he lets things go on

automatically; just as it happens; in a costly way and with

indifferent results。  Even in a country of as much probity as France;

it is calculated that every enterprise managed by the State costs one

quarter more; and brings in one quarter less; than when entrusted to

private hands。  Co
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