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the origins of contemporary france-4-第4章

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to them。  And all the more readily because the usurpers offer to

resign; in effect; the Convention has just solemnly declared that once

the Constitution is adopted; the people shall again be convoked to

elect 〃a new national assembly 。  。  。  a new representative body

invested with a later and more immediate trust;〃'11' which will allow

electors; if they are so disposed; to return honest deputies and

exclude the knaves who now rule。  Thereupon even the insurgent

departments; the mass of the Girondins population; after a good deal

of hesitation; resign themselves at last to voting for it。'12'  This

is done at Lyons and in the department of Calvados only on the 30th of

July。  A number of Constitutionalists or neutrals have done the same

thing; some through a horror of civil war and a spirit of

conciliation; and others through fear of persecution and of being

taxed with royalism;'13' one conception more: through docility they

may perhaps succeed in depriving the 〃Mountain〃 of all pretext for


In this they greatly deceive themselves; and; from the first; they are

able to see once more the Jacobins interpretation of electoral

liberty。   At first; all the registered;'14' and especially the

〃suspects;〃 are compelled to vote; and to vote Yes; otherwise; says a

Jacobin journal;'15' 〃they themselves will indicate the true opinion

one ought to have of their attitudes; and no longer have reason to

complain of suspicions that are found to be so well grounded。〃 They

come accordingly; 〃very humbly and very penitent。〃 Nevertheless they

meet with a rebuff; and a cold shoulder is turned on them; they are

consigned to a corner of the room; or near the doors; and are openly

insulted。  Thus received; it is clear that they will keep quiet and

not risk the slightest objection。  At Macon 〃a few aristocrats

muttered to themselves; but not one dared say No。〃'16' It would;

indeed; be extremely imprudent。  At Montbrison; 〃six individuals who

decline to vote;〃 are denounced in the procès…verbal of the Canton;

while a deputy in the Convention demands 〃severe measures〃 against

them。  At Nogent…sur…Seine; three administrators; guilty of the same

offense; are to be turned out of office。'17'  A few months later; the

offense becomes a capital crime; and people are to be guillotined 〃for

having voted against the Constitution of 1793。〃'18'  Almost all the

ill…disposed foresaw this danger; hence; in nearly all the primary

assemblies; the adoption is unanimous; or nearly unanimous。'19'  At

Rouen; there are but twenty…six adverse votes; at Caen; the center of

the Girondin opposition; fourteen; at Rheims; there are only two; at

Troyes; Besan?on; Limoges and Paris; there are none at all; in fifteen

departments the number of negatives varies from five to one; not one

is found in Var; this apparent unity is most instructive。  The

commune of St。  Donau; the only one in France; in the remote district

of Cotês…du…Nord; dares demand the restoration of the clergy and the

son of Capet for king。  All the others vote as if directed with a

baton; they have understood the secret of the plebiscite; that it is a

Jacobin demonstration; not an honest vote; which is required。'20'  The

operation undertaken by the local party is actually carried out。  It

beats to arms around the ballot…box; it arrives in force; it alone

speaks with authority; it animates officers; it moves all the

resolutions and draws up the report of proceedings; while the

representatives on mission from Paris add to the weight of the local

authority that of the central authority。  In the Macon assembly 〃they

address the people on each article; this speech is followed by immense

applause and redoubled shouting of Vive la République! Vive la

Constitution! Vive le Peuple Fran?ais! 〃 Beware; ye lukewarm; who do

not join in the chorus! They are forced to vote 〃in a loud;

intelligible voice。〃 They are required to shout in unison; to sign the

grandiloquent address in which the leaders testify their gratitude to

the Convention; and give their adhesion to the eminent patriots

delegated by the primary assembly to bear its report to Paris。'21'


The Delegates reach Paris。   Precautions taken against them。  

Constraints and Seductions。

The first act of the comedy is over and the second act now begins。

The faction has convoked the delegates of the primary assemblies to

Paris for a purpose。  Like the primary assemblies; they are to serve

as its instruments for governing; they are to form the props of

dictatorship; and the object now is to restrict them to that task

only。   Indeed; it is not certain that all will lend themselves to

it。  For; among the eight thousand commissioners; some; appointed by

refractory assemblies; bring a refusal instead of an adhesion;'22'

others; more numerous; are instructed to present objections and point

out omissions:'23' it is very certain that the envoys of the Girondist

departments will insist on the release or return of their excluded

representatives。  And lastly; a good many delegates who have accepted

the Constitution in good faith desire its application as soon as

possible; and that the Convention should fulfill its promise of

abdication; so as to give way to a new Assembly。  … As it is important

to suppress at once all these vague desires for independence or

tendencies for opposition a decree of the Convention 〃authorizes the

Committee of General Security to order the arrest of 'suspect'

commissioners;〃 it is especially to look after those who; 〃charged

with a special mission; would hold meetings to win over their

colleagues; 。  。  。  。  and engage them in proceedings contrary to

their mandate。〃'24' In the first place; and before they are admitted

into Paris; their Jacobinism is to be verified; like a bale in the

customs…house; by the special agents of the executive council; and

especially by Stanislas Maillard; the famous September judge; and his

sixty…eight bearded ruffians; each receiving pay at five francs a day。

〃On all the roads; within a circuit of fifteen or twenty leagues of

the capital;〃 the delegates are searched; their trunks are opened; and

their letters read。  At the barriers in Paris they find 〃inspectors〃

posted by the Commune; under the pretext of protecting them against

prostitutes and swindlers。  There; they are taken possession of; and

conducted to the mayoralty; where they receive lodging tickets; while

a picket of gendarmerie escorts them to their allotted domiciles。'25'

 Behold them in pens like sheep; each in his numbered stall; there

is no fear of the dissidents trying to escape and form a band apart:

one of them; who comes to the Convention and asks for a separate hall

for himself and his adherents; is snubbed in the most outrageous

manner; they denounce him as an intriguer; and accuse him of a desire

to defend the traitor Castries; they take his name and credentials;

and threaten him with an investigation。'26' The unfortu
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