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the origins of contemporary france-4-第173章

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cultivate and produce a great deal。

'103' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 72。  (Letter of the

administrators of the district of Montpelier to the Convention;

Messidor 26; year II。) 〃 Your decree of Niv?se 4 last; suppressed the

'maximum;' which step; provoked by justice and the 'maximum;' did not

have the effect you anticipated。〃 The dearth ceases; but there is a

prodigious increase in prices; the farmer selling his wheat at from

four hundred and seventy to six hundred and seventy francs the


'104' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 71。  (Deliberations of the

commune of Champs; canton of Lagny; Prairial 22; year III。  Letter of

the procureur…syndic of Meaux; Messidor 3。  Letter of the municipality

of Rozoy; Seine et Marne; Messidor 4。) … Ibid。; AF。; II。; 74。  (Letter

of the municipality of Emérainville; endorsed by the Directory of

Meaux; Messidor 14。) 〃The commune can procure only oat…bread for its

inhabitants; and; again; they have to go a long way to get this。  This

food; of so poor a quality; far from strengthening the citizen

accustomed to agricultural labor; disheartens him and makes him ill;

the result being that the hay cannot be got in good time for lack

of hands。〃 … At Champs; 〃the crop of hay is ready for mowing; but; for

want of food; the laborers cannot do the work。〃

'105' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 73。  (Letter from the Directory of the district

of Dieppe; Prairial 22。)

'106' Ibid。  (Letter of the administrators of the district of

Louviers; Prairial 26。)

'107' Ibid。  (Letter of the procureur…syndic of the Caen district;

Caen; Messidor 23。  … Letter of Representative Porcher to the

Committee of Public Safety; Messidor 26。 … Letter of the same;

Prairial 24。  〃The condition of this department seemed to me

frightful。  。  。  。  The privations of the department with respect to

subsistence cannot be over…stated to you; the evil is at its height。〃

'108' Archives Nationales; AF。  II。; 74。  (Letter of the Beauvais

administrators; Prairial 15。  … Letter of the Bapaume administrator;

Prairial 24。  … Letter of the Vervier administrator; Messidor 7。  …

Letter of the commissary sent by the district of Laon; Messidor。) …

Cf。; I6id。; letter from the Abbeville district; Prairial 11。  〃The

quintal of wheat is sold at one thousand assignats; or rather; the

farmers will not take assignats any more; grain not to be had for

anything but coin; and; as most people have none to give they are

hard…hearted enough to demand of one his clothes; and of another his

furniture; etc。〃

'109' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 71。  (Letter of the Rozoy municipality。  Seine…

et…Marne; Messidor 4; year III。) A bushel of wheat in the vicinity of

Rozoy brings three hundred francs。

'110' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 74。  (Letter of the Montreuil…sur…Mer

municipality; Prairial 29。)

'111' Ibid。  (Letter of the Vervins administrators; Prairial 11 Letter

of the commune of La Chapelle…sur…Somme; Prairial 24。)

'112' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 70。  (Letter of the procureur…syndic of the

district of Saint…Germain; Thermidor 10。) This file; which depicts the

situation of the communes around Paris; is specially heartrending and

terrible。  Among other instances of the misery of workmen the

following petition of the men employed on the Marly water…works may be

given; Messidor 28。  〃The workmen and employees on the machine at

Marly beg leave to present to you the wretched state to which they are

reduced by the dearness of provisions。  Their moderate wages; which at

the most have reached only five livres twelve sous; and again; for

four months past; having received but two francs sixteen sous; no

longer provide them with half a pound of bread; since it costs fifteen

and sixteen francs per pound。  We poor people have not been wanting in

courage nor patience; hoping that times would mend。  We have been

reduced to selling most of our effects and to eating bread made of

bran of which a sample is herewith sent; and which distresses us very

much (nous incommode beaucoup); most of us are ill and those who are

not so are in a very feeble state。〃 … Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris;〃

Thermidor 9。  〃Peasants on the market square complain bitterly of

being robbed in the fields and on the road; and even of having their

sacks (of grain) plundered。〃

'113' Archives Nationales; D。; § I; file 2。  (Letter of the Ervy

municipality; Floréal 17; year III。) 〃The indifference of the egoist

farmers in the country is at its height; they pay no respect whatever

to the laws; killing the poor by refusing to sell; or unwilling to

sell their grain at a price they can pay。〃 … (It would be necessary to

copy the whole of this file to show the alimentary state of the


'114' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 74。  (Letter of the district administrators of

Bapaume; Prairial 24。  … Letter of the municipality of Boulogne…sur…

Mer; Prairial 24。)

'115' Ibid。;; AF。; II。; 73。  (Letter of the municipality of Brionne;

district of Bernay; Prairial 7。) The farmers do not bring in their

wheat because they sell it elsewhere at the rate of fifteen hundred

and two thousand francs the sack of three hundred and thirty pounds。

'116' Ibid。; AF。; II。; 71。  (Letter of the procureur…syndic of the

district of Meaux; Messidor 2。) 〃Their fate is shared by many of the

rural communes〃 and the whole district has been reduced to this dearth

〃to increase the resources of Paris and the armies。〃

'117' Schmidt; 〃Tableaux de Paris。〃 (Reports of the Police; Pluvi?se

6; year III。) … Ibid。; Germinal 16。  〃A letter from the department of

Drome states that they are dying of hunger there; bread selling at

three francs the pound。〃

'118' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 70。  (Deliberations of the

council…general of Franciade; Thermidor 9; year III。)

'119' Ibid。  (Letter of the procureur…syndic of the district of Saint…

Germain; Thermidor 10。) … Delécluze; 〃Souvenirs de Soixante Années;〃

p。  10。  (The Delécluze family live in Mendon in 1794 and for most of

1795。  M。 Delécluze; senior; and his son go to Meaux and obtain of a

farmer a bag of good flour weighing three hundred and twenty five

pounds for about ten louis d'or and fetch it home; taking the greatest

pains to keep it concealed。  Both father and son 〃after having covered

the precious sack with hay and straw in the bottom of the cart; follow

it on foot at some distance as the peasant drives along。〃 Madame

Delécluze kneads the bread herself and bakes it。

'120' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 74。  The following shows some of

the municipal expenditures。  (Deliberations of the commune of Annecy;

Thermidor 8; year II I。) 〃Amount received by the commune from the

government; 1;200;000 francs。  Fraternal subscriptions; 400;000

francs。  Forced loan; 2;400;000 francs。  Amount arising from grain

granted by the government; but not paid for; 400;000 francs。〃 (Letter

from the municipality of Lille; Fructidor 7 ) 〃The deficit; at the

time we took hold of the governm
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