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the origins of contemporary france-4-第169章

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trade any more than if it had never existed。〃

'36' Dr。 Ja?n; 〃Choix de documents et lettres privées trouvees dans

des papiers de famille;〃 p。144。  (Letter of Géd?on Ja?n; banker at

Paris; November 18; 1793。) 〃Business carried on with difficulty and at

a great risk occasion frequent and serious losses; credit and

resources being almost nothing。〃

'37' Archives Nationales; F。7; 2475。  (Letters of Thullier; procureur…

syndic of the Paris department; September 7 and 10; 1793。  … Report by

a member of the Piques section; September 8 and 10; 1793。  … Cf。  the

petitions of traders and lawyers imprisoned at Troyes; Strasbourg;

Bordeaux; etc。  … Archives Nationales; AF。;II。; 271。  Letter of

Francastel: 〃At least three thousand monopolist aristocrats have been

arrested at Nantes。。。。  and this is not the last purification。〃

'38' Decrees of May 4; 15; 19; 20 and 23; and of August 30; 1793。  …

Decrees of July 26; August 15; September II; 1793; and February 24;

1794。  … Camille Boursier; 〃Essai sur la Terreur en Anjou;〃 p。  254。

(Letter of Buissart to his friend Maximilian Robespierre; Arras;

Pluviose 14; year II。) 〃we are dying with starvation in the midst of

abundance; I think that the mercantile aristocracy ought to be killed

out like the nobles and priests。  The communes; with the help of a

storehouse of food and goods must alone be allowed to trade。  This

idea; well carried out; can be realized; then; the benefits of trade

will turn to the advantage of the Republic; that is to say; to the

advantage of buyer and seller。〃

'39' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 49。  (Documents on the levy of

revolutionary taxes; Belfort; Brumaire 30; year II。) 〃 Verneur; sr。;

taxed at ten thousand livres; for having withheld goods deposited with

him by his sister; in order to save them from the coming taxation。〃

Campardon I。; 292。  (Judgments of the revolutionary commission at

Strasbourg。) … 〃The head…clerk in Hecht's apothecary shop is accused

of selling two ounces of rhubarb and manna at fifty…four sous; Hecht;

the proprietor; is condemned to a fine of fifteen thousand livres。

Madeleine Meyer; at Rosheim; a retailer; is accused of selling a

candle for ten sous and is condemned to a fine of one thousand livres;

payable in three days。  Braun; butcher and bar…keeper; accused of

having sold a glass of wine for twenty sous; is condemned to a fine of

forty thousand francs; to be imprisoned until this is paid; and to

exposure in the pillory before his own house for four hours; with this

inscription: debaser of the national currency。〃 … 〃 Recueil de Pieces;

etc。; at Strasbourg;〃 (supplement; pp。  21; 30; 64)。  〃Marie Ursule

Schnellen and Marie Schultzmann; servant; accused of monopolising

milk。  The former is sentenced to the pillory for one day under a

placard; monopoliser of milk; and to hold in one hand the money and;

in the other; the milk…pot; the other; a servant with citizen Benner。

。  。  。  he; the said Benner; is sentenced to a fine of three hundred

livres; payable in three days。〃 … 〃 Dorothy Franz; convicted of having

sold two heads of salad at twenty sous; and of thus having depreciated

the value of assignats; is sentenced to a fine of three thousand

livres; imprisonment for six weeks and exposure in the pillory for two

hours。〃 … Ibid。; I。; 18。  〃A grocer; accused of having sold sugar…

candy at lower than the rate; although not comprised in the list; is

sentenced to one hundred thousand livres fine and imprisonment until

peace is declared。〃 … Orders by Saint…Just and Lebas; Nivose 3; year

II。  〃The criminal court of the department of the Lower…Rhine is

ordered to destroy the house of any one convicted of having made sales

below the rates fixed by the maximum;〃 consequently; the house of one

Schauer; a furrier; is torn down; Nivose 7。

'40' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。  322。  (Letter by Haupt;

Belfort; Brumaire 3; year II。) 〃On my arrival here; I found the law of

the maximum promulgated and in operation。。  。  (but) the necessary

steps have not been taken to prevent a new monopoly by the country

people; who have flocked in to the shops of the dealers; carried off

all their goods and created a factitious dearth。〃

'41' Archives Nationales; F。7; 4421。  (Petitions of merchants and

shop…keepers at Troyes in relation to the revolutionary tax;

especially of hatters; linen; cotton and woollen manufacturers;

weavers and grocers。  There is generally a loss of one…half; and

sometimes of three…fourths of the purchase money。)

'42' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。330。  (Letter of Brutus;

Marseilles; Nivose 6; year II。) 〃Since the maximum everything is

wanting at Marseilles。〃 … Ibid。  (Letter by Soligny and Gosse;

Thionville; Nivose 5; year II。) 〃No peasant is willing to bring

anything to market。  。  。  They go off six leagues to get a better

price and thus the communes which they once supplied are famishing 。。

According as they are paid in specie or assignats the difference often

amounts to two hundred per cent。; and nearly always to one hundred per

cent。〃 … 〃 Un Sejour en France;〃 pp。  188…189。  … Archives Nationales;

D。。  § I。; file 2。  (Letter of Representative Albert; Germinal 19;

year II。; and of Joffroy; national agent; district of Bar…sur…Aube;

Germinal 5; year III。  〃The municipalities have always got themselves

exempted from the requisitions; which all fall on the farmers and

proprietors unable to satisfy them。。。。  The allotment among the tax…

payers is made with the most revolting inequality。。。。  Partiality

through connections of relatives and of friendship。〃

'43' Decrees of September 29; 1793 (articles 8 and 9); of May 4 and

20; and June 26; 1794。  … Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 68…72。

(Orders of the Committee of Public Safety; Prairial 26; year II。) 〃The

horses and wagons of coal peddlers; the drivers accustomed to taking

to Paris by law a portion of the supply of coal used in baking in the

department of Seine…et…Marne; are drafted until the 1st of Brumaire

next; for the transportation of coal to Paris。  During this time they

cannot be drafted for any other service。〃 (A good many orders in

relation to provisions and articles of prime necessity may be found in

these files; mostly in the handwriting of Robert Lindet。)

'44' Cf。  〃The Revolution;〃 II。; 69。  … Dauban; 〃Paris en 1794。〃

(Report by Pouvoyeur; March 15; 1794。) 〃A report has been long

circulated that all the aged were to be slaughtered; there is not a

place where this falsehood is not uttered。〃

'45' Archives Nationales; F。7; 4435; file 10; letters of Collot

d'Herbois; Brumaire 17 and 19; year II。  … De Martel; 〃Fouché;〃 340;

341。  Letters of Collot d'Herbois; November 7 and 9; 1793。

'46' De Martel; ibid。; 462。  (Proclamation by Javogues; Pluviose 13;

year II。)

'47' Archives des Affaires étrangères; vol。  330。  (Letter of Brutus;

political agent; Niv?se 6。)

'48' Archives Nationales; AF。; II。; 116。  (Orders of Taillefe
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