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the origins of contemporary france-4-第127章

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Finances that 〃there was nothing in common〃 between the two groups of

outlaws; that the fermiers were holders of leases on probable profits

while the receveurs were paid functionaries at a fixed salary; and the

crimes of the former; proved or not proved; were not imputable to the

latter。  Great astonishment on the part of these improvised

financiers! 〃They make an outcry;〃 says Gaudin; 〃and assert that I am

mistaken。  I insist; and repeat what I have told the President;

Cambon; I affirm on says to one of the members; 'Since that is so; go

to the bureau of procès…verbaux and scratch out the term receveurs…

généraux from the decree passed this morning。' my honor and offer to

furnish them the proof of it; finally; they are satisfied and the

President 〃 … Such are the gross blunders committed by interlopers;

and even carried out; when not warned and restrained by veterans in

the service。  Cambon; accordingly; in spite of the Jacobins; retains

in his bureaux all whom he can among veteran officials。  If Carnot

manages the war well; it is owing to his being himself an educated

officer and to maintaining in their positions d'Arcon; d'Obenheim; de

Grimoard; de Montalembert and Marescot; all eminent men bequeathed to

him by the ancient régime。'60} Reduced; before the 9th of Thermidor;

to perfect nullity; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not again to

become useful and active until the professional diplomats; Miot;

Colchen; Otto and Reinhart;'61' resume their ascendancy and influence。

It is a professional diplomat; Barthélemy; who; after the 9th of

Thermidor; really directs the foreign policy of the Convention; and

brings about the peace of Basle。

III。   The three classes of Notables。

The Nobility。  … Its physical and moral preparation through feats of

arms。  … The military spirit。  … High character。  … Conduct of

officers in 1789…1792。  … Service for which these nobles were adapted。

Three classes; the nobles; the clergy and the bourgeoisie; provided

this superior élite; and; compared with the rest of the nation; they

themselves formed an élite。  … Thirty thousand gentlemen; scattered

through the provinces; had been brought up from infancy to the

profession of arms; generally poor; they lived on their rural estates

without luxuries; comforts or curiosity; in the society of wood…

rangers and game…keepers; frugally and with rustic habits; in the open

air; in such a way as to ensure robust constitutions。  A child; at six

years of age; mounted a horse; he followed the hounds; and hardened

himself against inclemencies;'62' afterwards; in the academies; he

rendered his limbs supple by exercise and obtained that rugged health

which is necessary for living under a tent and following a campaign。

From early childhood; he was imbued with a military spirit; his father

and uncles at table talked of nothing but their perils in war and

feats of arms; his imagination took fire; he got accustomed to looking

upon their pursuits as the only ones worthy of a man of rank and

feeling; and he plunged ahead with a precocity which we no longer

comprehend。  I have read many records of the service of gentlemen who

were assassinated; guillotined or emigrés; they nearly always began

their careers before the age of sixteen; often at fourteen; thirteen

and eleven。'63' M。 des Echerolles;'64' captain in the Poitou

regiment; had brought along with him into the army his only son; aged

nine; and a dozen little cousins of the same age。  Those children

fought like old soldiers; one of them had his leg fractured by a ball;

young des Echerolles received a saber stroke which cut away his cheek

from the ear to the upper lip; and he was wounded seven times; still

young; he received the cross of St。  Louis。  To serve the State; seek

conflict and expose one's life; seemed an obligation of their rank; a

hereditary debt; out of nine or ten thousand officers who discharged

this debt most of them cared only for this and looked for nothing

beyond。  Without fortune and without influence; they had renounced

promotion; fully aware that the higher ranks were reserved for the

heirs of great families and the courtiers at Versailles。  After

serving fifteen or twenty years; they returned home with a captain's

commission and the cross of St。  Louis; sometimes with a small

pension; contented with having done their duty and conscious of their

own honor。  On the approach of the Revolution; this old spirit;

illumined by the new ideas; became an almost civic virtue:'65' we have

seen how they behaved between 1789 and 1792; their moderation; their

forbearance; their sacrifice of self…love; their abnegation and their

stoical impassability; their dislike to strike; the coolness with

which they persisted in receiving without returning blows; and in

maintaining; if not public order; at least the last semblance of it。

Patriots as much as soldiers; through birth; education and conviction;

they formed a natural; special nursery; eminently worthy of

preserving; inasmuch as it furnished society with ready…made

instruments for defense; internally against rascals and brutes; and

externally against the enemy。  Less calm in disposition and more given

to pleasure than the rural nobles of Prussia; under slacker discipline

and in the midst of greater worldliness; but more genial; more

courteous and more liberal…minded; the twenty…six thousand noble

families of France upheld in their sons the traditions and prejudices;

the habits and aptitudes; those energies of body; heart and mind'66'

through which the Prussian 〃junkers〃 were able to constitute the

Prussian army; organize the German army and make Germany the first

power of Europe。

IV。   The Clergy。

Where recruited。  … Professional inducements。  … Independence of

ecclesiastics。  … Their substantial merits。  … Their theoretical and

practical information。  … Their distribution over the territory。  …

Utility of their office。  … Their conduct in 1790…1800。  … Their

courage; their capacity for self…sacrifice。

Likewise in the Church where nearly all its staff; the whole of the

lower and middle…class clergy; curés; vicars; canons and collegiate

chaplains; teachers or directors of schools; colleges and seminaries;

more than sixty…five thousand ecclesiastics; formed a healthy; well

organized body; worthily fulfilling its duties。

〃I do not know;〃 says de Tocqueville;'67' 〃all in all; and

notwithstanding the vices of some of its members; if there ever was in

the world a more remarkable clergy than the Catholic clergy of France

when the Revolution took them by surprise; more enlightened; more

national; less entrenched behind their private virtues; better endowed

with public virtues; and; at the same time; more strong in the faith。

。  。  。  I began the study of the old social system full of prejudices

against them; I finish it full of respect for them。〃

And first; which is a great point; most of the incumbents in the town

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