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the origins of contemporary france-4-第101章

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everywhere detestable。  。  。  。  The number of discontented seems to

increase from day to day。  All the communes in Var; and most of those

in this department are against us。  。  。  。  they constitute a race to

be destroyed; a country to be colonized anew。  。  。  。

 〃I repeat it; the only way to work out the Revolution in the

federalized departments; and especially in this one; is to deport all

the indigenous population who are able to bear arms; scatter them

through the armies and put garrisons in their places; which; again;

will have to be changed from time to time。〃 … At the other extremity

of the territory; in Alsace; 〃republican sentiments are still in the

cradle; fanaticism is extreme and incredible; the spirit of the

inhabitants in general is in no respect revolutionary。  。  。  Nothing

but the revolutionary army and the venerated guillotine will cure them

of their conceited aristocracy。  The execution of the laws depends on

striking off the heads of the guilty; for nearly all the rural

municipalities are composed only of the rich; of clerks of former

bailiffs; almost always devoted to the ancient régime。〃'78'… And in

the rest of France; the population; less refractory; is not more

Jacobin; here where the people appear 〃humble and submissive〃 as in

Lyons and Bordeaux; the inspectors report that it is wholly owing to

terror;'79' there; where opinion seems enthusiastic; as at Rochefort

and Grenoble; they report that it is 〃artificial heat。〃'80'  At

Rochefort; zeal is maintained only 〃by the presence of five or six

Parisian Jacobins。〃 At Grenoble; Chépy; the political agent and

president of the club; writes that 〃he is knocked up; worn out; and

exhausted; in trying to keep up public spirit and maintain it on a

level with events;〃 but he is 〃conscious that; if he should leave; all

would crumble。〃 … There are none other than Moderates at Brest; at

Lille; at Dunkirk; if this or that department; the Nord; for instance;

hastened to accept the 〃Montagnard〃 constitution; it is only a

pretense: 〃an infinitely small portion of the population answered for

the rest。〃'81' … At Belfort; where 〃from one thousand to twelve

hundred fathers of families alone are counted;〃 writes the agent;'82'

〃one popular club of thirty or forty members; at the most; maintains

and enforces the love of liberty。〃 … In Arras; 〃out of three or four

hundred members composing the popular club〃 the weeding…out of 1793

has spared but 〃sixty…three; one tenth of whom are absent。〃'83'  At

Toulouse; 〃out of about fourteen hundred members〃 who form the club;

only three or four hundred remain after the weeding…out of 1793;'84'

〃mere machines; for the most part;〃 and 〃whom ten or a dozen

intriguers lead as they please。〃 … The same state of things exists

elsewhere; a dozen or two determined Jacobins…twenty…two at Troyes;

twenty…one at Grenoble; ten at Bordeaux; seven at Poitiers; as many at

Dijon…constitute the active staff of a large town:'85' the whole

number might sit around one table。  … The Jacobins; straining as they

do to swell their numbers; only scatter their band; careful as they

are in making their selections; they only limit their number。  They

remain what they always have been; a small feudality of brigands

superposed on conquered France。'86'  If the terror they spread around

multiplies their serfs; the horror they inspire diminishes their

proselytes; while their minority remains insignificant because; for

their collaborators; they can have only those just like themselves。


Quality of staff thus formed。  … Social state of the agents。  … Their

unfitness and bad conduct。  … The administrators in Seine…et…Marne。  …

Drunkenness and feasting。  … Committees and Municipalities in the

C?te…d'Or。  … Waste and extortions。  … Traffickers in favors at

Bordeaux。  … Seal breakers at Lyons。  … Monopolizers of national

possessions。  … Sales of personal property。  … Embezzlements and

Frauds。…A procès…verbal in the office of the mayor of Strasbourg。  …

Sales of real…estate。  … Commissioners on declarations at Toulouse。  …

The administrative staff and clubs of buyers in Provence。  … The

Revolutionary Committee of Nantes。

But when we regard the final and last set of officials of the

revolutionary government closely; in the provinces as well as at

Paris; we find among them we hardly anyone who is noteworthy except in

vice; dishonesty and misconduct; or; at the very least; in stupidity

and grossness。  … First; as is indicated by their name; they all must

be; and nearly all are; sans…culottes; that is to say; men who live

from day to day on their daily earnings; possessing no income from

capital; confined to subordinate places; to petty trading; to manual

services; lodged or encamped on the lowest steps of the social ladder;

and therefore requiring pay to enable them to attend to public

business;'87' it is on this account that decrees and orders allow them

wages of three; five; six; ten; and even eighteen francs a day。  … At

Grenoble; the representatives form the municipal body and the

revolutionary committee; along with two health…officers; three

glovers; two farmers; one tobacco…merchant; one perfumer; one grocer;

one belt…maker; one innkeeper; one joiner; one shoemaker; one mason;

while the official order by which they are installed; appoints

〃Teyssière; licoriste;〃 national agent。'88' … At Troyes;'89' among the

men in authority we find a confectioner; a weaver; a journeyman…

weaver; a hatter; a hosier; a grocer; a carpenter; a dancing…master;

and a policeman; while the mayor; Gachez; formerly a private soldier

in the regiment of Vexin; was; when appointed; a school…teacher in the

vicinity。  … At Toulouse;'90' a man named Terrain; a paté dealer; is

installed as president of the administration; the revolutionary

committee is presided over by Pio; a journeyman…barber; the

inspiration; 〃the soul of the club;〃 is a concierge; that of the

prison。  … The last and most significant trait is found at

Rochefort;'91' where the president of the popular club is the

executioner。  … If such persons form the select body of officials in

the large towns; what must they be in the small ones; in the bourgs

and in the villages? 〃 Everywhere they are of the meanest〃'92'

cartmen; sabot … (wooden shoe) makers; thatchers; stone…cutters;

dealers in rabbit…skins; day laborers; unemployed craftsmen; many

without any pursuit; or mere vagabonds who had already participated in

riots or jacqueries; bar flies; having given up work and designated

for a public career only by their irregular habits and incompetence to

follow a private career。  … Even in the large towns; it is evident

that discretionary power has fallen into the hands of nearly raw

barbarians; one has only to note in the old documents; at the

Archives; the orthography and style of the committees empowered to

grant or refuse civic cards; and draw up reports on the opinions and

pursuits of prisoners。  〃His opinions appear i
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