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the origins of contemporary france-4-第1章

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The French Revolution; Volume 3
The Origins of Contemporary France; Volume 4
by Hippolyte A。 Taine



BOOK FIRST。 The Establishment of the Revolutionary Government。


BOOK SECOND。 The Jacobin Program。



BOOK THIRD。 The Governors。

CHAPTER I。 Psychology of the Jacobin Leaders。

CHAPTER II。 The Rulers of the Country。

CHAPTER III。 The Rulers。 (continued)。

BOOK FOURTH。  The Governed。

CHAPTER I。 The Oppressed。

CHAPTER II。 Food and Provisions。

BOOK FIFTH。   The End of the Revolutionary Government。



〃In Egypt;〃 says Clement of Alexandria;'1' 〃the sanctuaries of the

temples are shaded by curtains of golden tissue。   But on going

further into the interior in quest of the statue; a priest of grave

aspect; advancing to meet you and chanting a hymn in the Egyptian

tongue; slightly raises a veil to show you the god。   And what do you

behold? A crocodile; or some indigenous serpent; or other dangerous

animal; the Egyptian god being a beast sprawling on a purple carpet。〃

We need not visit Egypt or go so far back in history to encounter

crocodile worship; as this can be readily found in France at the end

of the last century。    Unfortunately; a hundred years is too long

an interval; too far away; for an imaginative retrospect of the past。

At the present time; standing where we do and regarding the horizon

behind us; we see only forms which the intervening atmosphere

embellishes; shimmering contours which each spectator may interpret in

his own fashion; no distinct; animated figure; but merely a mass of

moving points; forming and dissolving in the midst of picturesque

architecture。   I was anxious to take a closer view of these vague

points; and; accordingly; deported myself back to the last half of the

eighteenth century。   I have now been living with them for twelve

years; and; like Clement of Alexandria; examined; first; the temple;

and next the god。   A passing glance at these is not sufficient; it

was also necessary to understand the theology on which this cult is

founded。   This one; explained by a very specious theology; like most

others; is composed of dogmas called the principles of 1789; they were

proclaimed; indeed; at that date; having been previously formulated by

Jean…Jacques Rousseau:

* The well known sovereignty of the people。

* The rights of Man。

* The social contract。

Once adopted; their practical results unfolded themselves naturally。

In three years these dogmas installed the crocodile on the purple

carpet insides the sanctuary behind the golden veil。  He was selected

for the place on account of the energy of his jaws and the capacity of

his stomach; he became a god through his qualities as a destructive

brute and man…eater。   Comprehending this; the rites which

consecrate him and the pomp which surrounds him need not give us any

further concern。  We can observe him; like any ordinary animal; and

study his various attitudes; as he lies in wait for his prey; springs

upon it; tears it to pieces; swallows it; and digests it。  I have

studied the details of his structure; the play of his organs; his

habits; his mode of living; his instincts; his faculties; and his

appetites。   Specimens abounded。  I have handled thousands of them;

and have dissected hundreds of every species and variety; always

preserving the most valuable and characteristic examples; but for lack

of room I have been compelled to let many of them go because my

collections was too large。  Those that I was able to bring back with

me will be found here; and; among others; about twenty individuals of

different dimensions; which  a difficult undertaking  I have kept

alive with great pains。  At all events; they are intact and perfect;

and particularly the three largest。  These seem to me; of their kind;

truly remarkable; and those in which the divinity of the day might

well incarnate himself。  … Authentic and rather well kept cookbooks

inform us about the cost of the cult: We can more or less estimate how

much the sacred crocodiles consumed in ten years; we know their bills

of daily fare; their favorite morsels。  Naturally; the god selected

the fattest victims; but his voracity was so great that he likewise

bolted down; and blindly; the lean ones; and in much greater number

than the fattest。  Moreover; by virtue of his instincts; and an

unfailing effect of the situation; he ate his equals once or twice a

year; except when they succeeded in eating him。   This cult

certainly is instructive; at least to historians and men of pure

science。  If any believers in it still remain I do not aim to convert

them; one cannot argue with a devotee on matters of faith。  This

volume; accordingly; like the others that have gone before it; is

written solely for amateurs of moral zoology; for naturalists of the

understanding; for seekers of truth; of texts; and of proofs  for

these alone and not for the public; whose mind is made up and which

has its own opinion on the Revolution。  This opinion began to be

formed between 1825 and 1830; after the retirement or withdrawal of

eye witnesses。  When they disappeared it was easy to convince a

credulous public that crocodiles were philanthropists; that many

possessed genius; that they scarcely ate others than the guilty; and

that if they sometimes ate too many it was unconsciously and in spite

of themselves; or through devotion and self…sacrifice for the common


H。 A。 Taine;   Menthon Saint Bernard; July 1884。





Weakness of former governments。  … Energy of the new government。  …

The despotic creed and instincts of the Jacobin。

So far; the weakness of the legal government is extreme。  During four

years; whatever its kind; it has constantly and everywhere been

disobeyed。  For four years it never dared enforce obedience。

Recruited among the cultivated and refined class; the rulers of the

country have brought with them into power the prejudices and

sensibilities of the epoch。  Under the influence of the prevailing

dogma they have submitted to the will of the multitude and; with too

much faith in the rights of Man; they have had too little in the

authority of the magistrate。  Moreover; through humanity; they have

abhorred bloodshed and; unwilling to repress; they have allowed

themselves to be repressed。  Thus from the 1st of May; 1789; to June

2; 1793; they have administrated or legislated; escaping countless

insurrections; almost all of them going unpunished ; while their

constitution; an unhealthy product of theory and fear; have done no

more than transform spontaneous anarchy into legal anarchy。

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