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the antiquities of the jews-1-第347章

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the palace in the morning; with his equestrian sword girt on him;
for it was the custom that the tribunes should ask for the
watchword with their swords on; and this was the day on which
Cherea was; by custom; to receive the watchword; and the
multitude were already come to the palace; to be soon enough for
seeing the shows; and that in great crowds; and one tumultuously
crushing another; while Caius was delighted with this eagerness
of the multitude; for which reason there was no order observed in
the seating men; nor was any peculiar place appointed for the
senators; or for the equestrian order; but they sat at random;
men and women together; and free…men were mixed with the slaves。
So Caius came out in a solemn manner; and offered sacrifice to
Augustus Caesar; in whose honor indeed these shows were
celebrated。 Now it happened; upon the fall of a certain priest;
that the garment of Asprenas; a senator; was filled with blood;
which made Caius laugh; although this was an evident omen to
Asprenas; for he was slain at the same time with Caius。 It is
also related that Caius was that day; contrary to his usual
custom; so very affable and good…natured in his conversation;
that every one of those that were present were astonished at it。
After the sacrifice was over; Caius betook himself to see the
shows; and sat down for that purpose; as did also the principal
of his friends sit near him。 Now the parts of the theater were so
fastened together; as it used to be every year; in the manner
following: It had two doors; the one door led to the open air;
the other was for going into; or going out of; the cloisters;
that those within the theater might not be thereby disturbed; but
out of one gallery there went an inward passage; parted into
partitions also; which led into another gallery; to give room to
the combatants and to the musicians to go out as occasion served。
When the multitude were set down; and Cherea; with the other
tribunes; were set down also; and the right corner of the theater
was allotted to Caesar; one Vatinius; a senator; commander of the
praetorian band; asked of Cluvius; one that sat by him; and was
of consular dignity also; whether he had heard any thing of news;
or not? but took care that nobody should hear what he said; and
when Cluvius replied; that he had heard no news; 〃Know then;〃
said Vatinius; 〃that the game of the slaughter of tyrants is to
be played this dav。〃 But Cluvius replied 〃O brave comrade hold
thy peace; lest some other of the Achaians hear thy tale。〃 And as
there was abundance of autumnal fruit thrown among the
spectators; and a great number of birds; that were of great value
to such as possessed them; on account of their rareness; Caius
was pleased with the birds fighting for the fruits; and with the
violence wherewith the spectators seized upon them: and here he
perceived two prodigies that happened there; for an actor was
introduced; by whom a leader of robbers was crucified; and the
pantomime brought in a play called Cinyras; wherein he himself
was to be slain; as well as his daughter Myrrha; and wherein a
great deal of fictitious blood was shed; both about him that was
crucified; and also about Cinyras。 It was also confessed that
this was the same day wherein Pausanias; a friend of Philip; the
son of Amyntas; who was king of Macedonia; slew him; as he was
entering into the theater。 And now Caius was in doubt whether he
should tarry to the end of the shows; because it was the last
day; or whether he should not go first to the bath; and to
dinner; and then return and sit down as before。 Hereupon
Minucianus; who sat over Caius; and was afraid that the
opportunity should fail them; got up; because he saw Cherea was
already gone out; and made haste out; to confirm him in his
resolution; but Caius took hold of his garment; in an obliging
way; and said to him; 〃O brave man! whither art thou going?〃
Whereupon; out of reverence to Caesar; as it seemed; he sat down
again; but his fear prevailed over him; and in a little time he
got up again; and then Caius did no way oppose his going out; as
thinking that he went out to perform some necessities of nature。
And Asprenas; who was one of the confederates; persuaded Caius to
go out to the bath; and to dinner; and then to come in again; as
desirous that what had been resolved on might be brought to a
conclusion immediately。

14。 So Cherea's associates placed themselves in order; as the
time would permit them; and they were obliged to labor hard; that
the place which was appointed them should not be left by them;
but they had an indignation at the tediousness of the delays; and
that what they were about should be put off any longer; for it
was already about the ninth (5) hour of the day; and Cherea; upon
Caius's tarrying so long; had a great mind to go in; and fall
upon him in his seat; although he foresaw that this could not be
done without much bloodshed; both of the senators; and of those
of the equestrian order that were present; and although he knew
this must happen; yet had he a great mind to do so; as thinking
it a right thing to procure security and freedom to all; at the
expense of such as might perish at the same time。 And as they
were just going back into the entrance to the theater; word was
brought them that Caius was arisen; whereby a tumult was made;
hereupon the conspirators thrust away the crowd; under pretense
as if Caius was angry at them; but in reality as desirous to have
a quiet place; that should have none in it to defend him; while
they set about Caius's slaughter。 Now Claudius; his uncle; was
gone out before; and Marcus Vinicius his sister's husband; as
also Valellus of Asia; whom though they had had such a mind to
put out of their places; the reverence to their dignity hindered
them so to do; then followed Caius; with Paulus Arruntius: and
because Caius was now gotten within the palace; he left the
direct road; along which those his servants stood that were in
waiting; and by which road Claudius had gone out before; Caius
turned aside into a private narrow passage; in order to go to the
place for bathing; as also in order to take a view of the boys
that came out of Asia; who were sent thence; partly to sing hymns
in these mysteries which were now celebrated; and partly to dance
in the Pyrrhic way of dancing upon the theatres。 So Cherea met
him; and asked him for the watchword; upon Caius's giving him one
of his ridiculous words; he immediately reproached him; and drew
his sword; and gave him a terrible stroke with it; yet was not
this stroke mortal。 And although there be those that say it was
so contrived on purpose by Chorea; that Caius should not be
killed at one blow; but should be punished more severely by a
multitude of wounds; yet does this story appear to me incredible;
because the fear men are under in such actions does not allow
them to use their reason。 And if Cherea was of that mind; I
esteem him the greatest of all fools; in pleasing himself in his
spite against Caius; rather than immediately procuring safety to
himself and to his confederates from the dangers they were in;
because there might many things still happ
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