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the antiquities of the jews-1-第287章

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Jerusalem; where all the people met him in their festival
garments; and received him with acclamations。 Agrippa also
offered a hecatomb of sacrifices to God; and feasted the people;
without omitting any of the greatest dainties that could be
gotten。 He also took so much pleasure there; that he abode many
days with them; and would willingly have staid longer; but that
the season of the year made him make haste away; for as winter
was coming on; he thought it not safe to go to sea later; and yet
he was of necessity to return again to Ionia。

2。 So Agrippa went away; when Herod had bestowed on him; and on
the principal of those that were with him; many presents; but
king Herod; when he had passed the winter in his own dominions;
made haste to get to him again in the spring; when he knew he
designed to go to a campaign at the Bosptiorus。 So when he had
sailed by Rhodes and by Cos; he touched at Lesbos; as thinking he
should have overtaken Agrippa there; but he was taken short here
by a north wind; which hindered his ship from going to the shore;
so he continued many days at Chius; and there he kindly treated a
great many that came to him; and obliged them by giving them
royal gifts。 And when he saw that the portico of the city was
fallen down; which as it was overthrown in the Mithridatic war;
and was very large and fine building; so was it not so easy to
rebuild that as it was the rest; yet did he furnish a sum not
only large enough for that purpose; but what was more than
sufficient to finish the building; and ordered them not to
overlook that portico; but to rebuild it quickly; that so the
city might recover its proper ornaments。 And when the high winds

were laid; he sailed to Mytilene; and thence to Byzantium; and
when he heard that Agrippa was sailed beyond the Cyanean rocks;
he made all the haste possible to overtake him; and came up with
him about Sinope; in Pontus。 He was seen sailing by the ship…men
most unexpectedly; but appeared to their great joy; and many
friendly salutations there were between them; insomuch that
Agrippa thought he had received the greatest marks of the king's
kindness and humanity towards him possible; since the king had
come so long a voyage; and at a very proper season; for his
assistance; and had left the government of his own dominions; and
thought it more worth his while to come to him。 Accordingly;
Herod was all in all to Agrippa; in the management of the war;
and a great assistant in civil affairs; and in giving him counsel
as to particular matters。 He was also a pleasant companion for
him when he relaxed himself; and a joint partaker with him in all
things; ill troubles because of his kindness; and in prosperity
because of the respect Agrippa had for him。 Now as soon as those
affairs of Pontus were finished; for whose sake Agrippa was sent
thither; they did not think fit to return by sea; but passed
through Paphlagonia and Cappadocia; they then traveled thence
over great Phrygia; and came to Ephesus; and then they sailed
from Ephesus to Samos。 And indeed the king bestowed a great many
benefits on every city that he came to; according as they stood
in need of them; for as for those that wanted either money or
kind treatment; he was not wanting to them; but he supplied the
former himself out of his own expenses: he also became an
intercessor with Agrippa for all such as sought after his favor;
and he brought things so about; that the petitioners failed in
none of their suits to him; Agrippa being himself of a good
disposition; and of great generosity; and ready to grant all such
requests as might be advantageous to the petitioners; provided
they were not to the detriment of others。 The inclination of the
king was of great weight also; and still excited Agrippa; who was
himself ready to do good; for he made a reconciliation between
the people of Ilium; at whom he was angry; and paid what money
the people of Chius owed Caesar's procurators; and discharged
them of their tributes; and helped all others; according as their
several necessities required。

3。 But now; when Agrippa and Herod were in Ionia; a great
multitude of Jews; who dwelt in their cities; came to them; and
laying hold of the opportunity and the liberty now given them;
laid before them the injuries which they suffered; while they
were not permitted to use their own laws; but were compelled to
prosecute their law…suits; by the ill usage of the judges; upon
their holy days; and were deprived of the money they used to lay
up at Jerusalem; and were forced into the army; and upon such
other offices as obliged them to spend their sacred money; from
which burdens they always used to be freed by the Romans; who had
still permitted them to live according to their own laws。 When
this clamor was made; the king desired of Agrippa that he would
hear their cause; and assigned Nicolaus; one of his friends; to
plead for those their privileges。 Accordingly; when Agrippa had
called the principal of the Romans; and such of the kings and
rulers as were there; to be his assessors; Nicolaus stood up; and
pleaded for the Jews; as follows: 〃It is of necessity incumbent
on such as are in distress to have recourse to those that have it
in their power to free them from those injuries they lie under;
and for those that now are complainants; they approach you with
great assurance; for as they have formerly often obtained your
favor; so far as they have even wished to have it; they now only
entreat that you; who have been the donors; will take care that
those favors you have already granted them may not be taken away
from them。 We have received these favors from you; who alone have
power to grant them; but have them taken from us by such as are
no greater than ourselves; and by such as we know are as much
subjects as we are; and certainly; if we have been vouchsafed
great favors; it is to our commendation who have obtained them;
as having been found deserving of such great favors; and if those
favors be but small ones; it would be barbarous for the donors
not to confirm them to us。 And for those that are the hinderance
of the Jews; and use them reproachfully; it is evident that they
affront both the receivers; while they will not allow those to be
worthy men to whom their excellent rulers themselves have borne
their testimony; and the donors; while they desire those favors
already granted may be abrogated。 Now if any one should ask these
Gentiles themselves; which of the two things they would choose to
part with; their lives; or the customs of their forefathers;
their solemnities; their sacrifices; their festivals; which they
celebrated in honor of those they suppose to be gods? I know very
well that they would choose to suffer any thing whatsoever rather
than a dissolution of any of the customs of their forefathers;
for a great many of them have rather chosen to go to war on that
account; as very solicitous not to transgress in those matters。
And indeed we take an estimate of that happiness which all
mankind do now enjoy by your means from this very thing; that we
are allowed every one to worship as our own institutions require;
and yet to live 'in p
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