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the antiquities of the jews-1-第244章

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having the kingdom granted him; so that he still pretended he
would obey Pompey in whatsoever he commanded; although at the
same time he retired to his fortress; that he might not depress
himself too low; and that he might be prepared for a war; in case
it should prove as he feared; that Pompey would transfer the
government to Hyrcanus。 But when Pompey enjoined Aristobulus to
deliver up the fortresses he held; and to send an injunction to
their governors under his own hand for that purpose; for they had
been forbidden to deliver them up upon any other commands; he
submitted indeed to do so; but still he retired in displeasure to
Jerusalem; and made preparation for war。 A little after this;
certain persons came out of Pontus; and informed Pompey; as he
was on the way; and conducting his army against Aristobulus; that
Mithridates was dead; and was slain by his son Pharmaces。


How Pompey When The Citizens Of Jerusalem Shut Their Gates
Against Him Besieged The City And Took It By Force; As Also What
Other Things He Did In Judea。

1。 Now when Pompey had pitched his camp at Jericho; (where the
palm tree grows;
and that balsam which is an ointment of all the most precious;
which upon any incision made in the wood with a sharp stone;
distills out thence like a juice;) (4) he marched in the morning
to Jerusalem。 Hereupon Aristobulus repented of what he was doing;
and came to Pompey; had 'promised to' give him money; and
received him into Jerusalem; and desired that he would leave off
the war; and do what he pleased peaceably。 So Pompey; upon his
entreaty; forgave him; and sent Gabinius; and soldiers with him;
to receive the money and the city: yet was no part of this
performed; but Gabinius came back; being both excluded out of the
city; and receiving none of the money promised; because
Aristobulus's soldiers would not permit the agreements to be
executed。 At this Pompey was very angry; and put Aristobulus into
prison; and came himself to the city; which was strong on every
side; excepting the north; which was not so well fortified; for
there was a broad and deep ditch that encompassed the city (5)
and included within it the temple; which was itself encompassed
about with a very strong stone wall。

2。 Now there was a sedition of the men that were within the city;
who did not agree what was to be done in their present
circumstances; while some thought it best to deliver up the city
to Pompey; but Aristobulus's party exhorted them to shut the
gates; because he was kept in prison。 Now these prevented the
others; and seized upon the temple; and cut off the bridge which
reached from it to the city; and prepared themselves to abide a
siege; but the others admitted Pompey's army in; and delivered up
both the city and the king's palace to him。 So Pompey sent his
lieutenant Piso with an army; and placed garrisons both in the
city and in the palace; to secure them; and fortified the houses
that joined to the temple; and all those which were more distant
and without it。 And in the first place; he offered terms of
accommodation to those within; but when they would not comply
with what was desired; he encompassed all the places thereabout
with a wall; wherein Hyrcanus did gladly assist him on all
occasions; but Pompey pitched his camp within 'the wall'; on the
north part of the temple; where it was most practicable; but even
on that side there were great towers; and a ditch had been dug;
and a deep valley begirt it round about; for on the parts towards
the city were precipices; and the bridge on which Pompey had
gotten in was broken down。 However; a bank was raised; day by
day; with a great deal of labor; while the Romans cut down
materials for it from the places round about。 And when this bank
was sufficiently raised; and the ditch filled up; though but
poorly; by reason of its immense depth; he brought his mechanical
engines and battering…rams from Tyre; and placing them on the
bank; he battered the temple with the stones that were thrown
against it。 And had it not been our practice; from the days of
our forefathers; to rest on the seventh day; this bank could
never have been perfected; by reason of the opposition the Jews
would have made; for though our law gives us leave then to defend
ourselves against those that begin to fight with us and assault
us; yet does it not permit us to meddle with our enemies while
they do any thing else。

3。 Which thing when the Romans understood; on those days which we
call Sabbaths they threw nothing at the Jews; nor came to any
pitched battle with them; but raised up their earthen banks; and
brought their engines into such forwardness; that they might do
execution the next day。 And any one may hence learn how very
great piety we exercise towards God; and the observance of his
laws; since the priests were not at all hindered from their
sacred ministrations by their fear during this siege; but did
still twice a…day; in the morning and about the ninth hour; offer
their sacrifices on the altar; nor did they omit those
sacrifices; if any melancholy accident happened by the stones
that were thrown among them; for although the city was taken on
the third month; on the day of the fast; (6) upon the hundred and
seventy…ninth olympiad; when Caius Antonius and Marcus Tullius
Cicero were consuls; and the enemy then fell upon them; and cut
the throats of those that were in the temple; yet could not those
that offered the sacrifices be compelled to run away; neither by
the fear they were in of their own lives; nor by the number that
were already slain; as thinking it better to suffer whatever came
upon them; at their very altars; than to omit any thing that
their laws required of them。 And that this is not a mere brag; or
an encomium to manifest a degree of our piety that was false; but
is the real truth; I appeal to those that have written of the
acts of Pompey; and; among them; to Strabo and Nicolaus 'of
Damascus'; and besides these two; Titus Livius; the writer of the
Roman History; who will bear witness to this thing。 (7)

4。 But when the battering…engine was brought near; the greatest
of the towers was shaken by it; and fell down; and broke down a
part of the fortifications; so the enemy poured in apace; and
Cornelius Faustus; the son of Sylla; with his soldiers; first of
all ascended the wall; and next to him Furius the centurion; with
those that followed on the other part; while Fabius; who was also
a centurion; ascended it in the middle; with a great body of men
after him。 But now all was full of slaughter; some of the Jews
being slain by the Romans; and some by one another; nay; some
there were who threw themselves down the precipices; or put fire
to their houses; and burnt them; as not able to bear the miseries
they were under。 Of the Jews there fell twelve thousand; but of
the Romans very few。 Absalom; who was at once both uncle and
father…in…law to Aristobulus; was taken captive; and no small
enormities were committed about the temple itself; which; in
former ages; had been inaccessible; and seen by none; for Pompey
went into it; and not a few of those that were with him also; and
saw a
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