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the antiquities of the jews-1-第216章

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the incursions of enemies; and set guards therein。 He also
fortified the city Bethsura; that it might serve as a citadel
against any distresses that might come from our enemies。


How Judas Subdued The Nations Round About; And How Simon Beat The
People Of Tyre And Ptolemais; And How Judas Overcame Timotheus;
And Forced Him To Fly Away; And Did Many Other Things After
Joseph And Azarias Had Been Beaten

1。 When these things were over; the nations round about the Jews
were very uneasy at the revival of their power; and rose up
together; and destroyed many of them; as gaining advantage over
them by laying snares for them; and making secret conspiracies
against them。 Judas made perpetual expeditions against these men;
and endeavored to restrain them from those incursions; and to
prevent the mischiefs they did to the Jews。 So he fell upon the
Idumeans; the posterity of Esau; at Acrabattene; and slew a great
many of them; and took their spoils。 He also shut up the sons of
Bean; that laid wait for the Jews; and he sat down about them;
and besieged them; and burnt their towers; and destroyed the men
'that were in them'。 After this he went thence in haste against
the Ammonites; who had a great and a numerous army; of which
Timotheus was the commander。 And when he had subdued them; he
seized on the city Jazer; and took their wives and their children
captives; and burnt the city; and then returned into Judea。 But
when the neighboring nations understood that he was returned;
they got together in great numbers in the land of Gilead; and
came against those Jews that were at their borders; who then fled
to the garrison of Dathema; and sent to Judas; to inform him that
Timotheus was endeavoring to take the place whither they were
fled。 And as these epistles were reading; there came other
messengers out of Galilee; who informed him that the inhabitants
of Ptolemais; and of Tyre and Sidon; and strangers of Galilee;
were gotten together。

2。 Accordingly Judas; upon considering what was fit to be done;
with relation to the necessity both these cases required; gave
order that Simon his brother should take three thousand chosen
men; and go to the assistance of the Jews in Galilee; while he
and another of his brothers; Jonathan; made haste into the land
of Gilead; with eight thousand soldiers。 And he left Joseph; the
son of Zacharias; and Azarias; to be over the rest of the forces;
and charged them to keep Judea very carefully; and to fight no
battles with any persons whomsoever until his return。
Accordingly; Simon…went into Galilee; and fought the enemy; and
put them to flight; and pursued them to the very gates of
Ptolemais; and slew about three thousand of them; and took the
spoils of those that were slain; and those Jews whom they had
made captives; with their baggage; and then returned home。

3。 Now as for Judas Maccabeus; and his brother Jonathan; they
passed over the river Jordan; and when they had gone three days
journey; they lighted upon the Nabateans; who came to meet them
peaceably; and who told them how the affairs of those in the land
of Gilead stood; and how many of them were in distress; and
driven into garrisons; and into the cities of Galilee; and
exhorted him to make haste to go against the foreigners; and to
endeavor to save his own countrymen out of their hands。 To this
exhortation Judas hearkened; and returned to the wilderness; and
in the first place fell upon the inhabitants of Bosor; and took
the city; and beat the inhabitants; and destroyed all the males;
and all that were able to fight; and burnt the city。 Nor did he
stop even when night came on; but he journeyed in it to the
garrison where the Jews happened to be then shut up; and where
Timotheus lay round the place with his army。 And Judas came upon
the city in the morning; and when he found that the enemy were
making an assault upon the walls; and that some of them brought
ladders; on which they might get upon those walls; and that
others brought engines 'to batter them'; he bid the trumpeter to
sound his trumpet; and he encouraged his soldiers cheerfully to
undergo dangers for the sake of their brethren and kindred; he
also parted his army into three bodies; and fell upon the backs
of their enemies。 But when Timotheus's men perceived that it was
Maccabeus that was upon them; of both whose courage and good
success in war they had formerly had sufficient experience; they
were put to flight; but Judas followed them with his army; and
slew about eight thousand of them。 He then turned aside to a city
of the foreigners called Malle; and took it; and slew all the
males; and burnt the city itself。 He then removed from thence;
and overthrew Casphom and Bosor; and many other cities of the
land of Gilead。

4。 But not long after this; Timotheus prepared a great army; and
took many others as auxiliaries; and induced some of the
Arabians; by the promise of rewards; to go with him in this
expedition; and came with his army beyond the brook; over against
the city Raphon; and he encouraged his soldiers; if it came to a
battle with the Jews; to fight courageously; and to hinder their
passing over the brook; for he said to them beforehand; that 〃if
they come over it; we shall be beaten。〃 And when Judas heard that
Timotheus prepared himself to fight; he took all his own army;
and went in haste against Timotheus his enemy; and when he had
passed over the brook; he fell upon his enemies; and some of them
met him; whom he slew; and others of them he so terrified; that
he compelled them to throw down their arms and fly; and some of
them escaped; but some of them fled to what was called the Temple
of Camaim; and hoped thereby to preserve themselves; but Judas
took the city; and slew them; and burnt the temple; and so used
several ways of destroying his enemies。

5。 When he had done this; he gathered the Jews together; with
their children and wives; and the substance that belonged to
them; and was going to bring them back into Judea; but as soon as
he was come to a certain city; whose name was Ephron; that lay
upon the road; (and it was not possible for him to go any other
way; so he was not willing to go back again;) he then sent to the
inhabitants; and desired that they would open their gates; and
permit them to go on their way through the city; for they had
stopped up the gates with stones; and cut off their passage
through it。 And when the inhabitants of Ephron would not agree to
this proposal; he encouraged those that were with him; and
encompassed the city round; and besieged it; and; lying round it
by day and night; took the city; and slew every male in it; and
burnt it all down; and so obtained a way through it; and the
multitude of those that were slain was so great; that they went
over the dead bodies。 So they came over Jordan; and arrived at
the great plain; over against which is situate the city Bethshah;
which is called by the Greeks Scythopolis。 (20) And going away
hastily from thence; they came into Judea; singing psalms and
hymns as they went; and indulging such tokens of mirth as are
usual in triumphs upon victory。 They also offered
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