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as soon as the watchman told this also to Joram; he at last got
upon his chariot himself; together with Ahaziah; the king of
Jerusalem; for; as we said before; he was there to see how Joram
did; after he had been wounded; as being his relation。 So he went
out to meet Jehu; who marched slowly; (16) and in good order; and
when Joram met him in the field of Naboth; he asked him if all
things were well in the camp; but Jehu reproached him bitterly;
and ventured to call his mother a witch and a harlot。 Upon this
the king; fearing what he intended; and suspecting he had no good
meaning; turned his chariot about as soon as he could; and said
to Ahaziah; 〃We are fought against by deceit and treachery。〃 But
Jehu drew his bow; and smote him; the arrow going through his
heart: so Joram fell down immediately on his knee; and gave up
the ghost。 Jehu also gave orders to Bidkar; the captain of the
third part of his army; to cast the dead body of Joram into the
field of Naboth; putting him in mind of the prophecy which Elijah
prophesied to Ahab his father; when he had slain Naboth; that
both he and his family should perish in that place; for that as
they sat behind Ahab's chariot; they heard the prophet say so;
and that it was now come to pass according to his prophecy。 Upon
the fall of Joram; Ahaziah was afraid of his own life; and turned
his chariot into another road; supposing he should not be seen by
Jehu; but he followed after him; and overtook him at a certain
acclivity; and drew his bow; and wounded him; so he left his
chariot; and got upon his horse; and fled from Jehu to Megiddo;
and though he was under cure; in a little time he died of that
wound; and was carried to Jerusalem; and buried there; after he
had reigned one year; and had proved a wicked man; and worse than
his father。
4。 Now when Jehu was come to Jezreel; Jezebel adorned herself and
stood upon a tower; and said; he was a fine servant that had
killed his master! And when he looked up to her; he asked who she
was; and commanded her to come down to him。 At last he ordered
the eunuchs to throw her down from the tower; and being thrown
down; she be…sprinkled the wall with her blood; and was trodden
upon by the horses; and so died。 When this was done; Jehu came to
the palace with his friends; and took some refreshment after his
journey; both with other things; and by eating a meal。 He also
bid his servants to take up Jezebel and bury her; because of the
nobility of her blood; for she was descended from kings; but
those that were appointed to bury her found nothing else
remaining but the extreme parts of her body; for all the rest
were eaten by dogs。 When Jehu heard this; he admired the prophecy
of Elijah; for he foretold that she should perish in this manner
at Jezreel。
5。 Now Ahab had seventy sons brought up in Samaria。 So Jehu sent
two epistles; the one to them that brought up the children; the
other to the rulers of Samaria; which said; that they should set
up the most valiant of Ahab's sons for king; for that they had
abundance of chariots; and horses; and armor; and a great army;
and fenced cities; and that by so doing they might avenge the
murder of Ahab。 This he wrote to try the intentions of those of
Samaria。 Now when the rulers; and those that had brought up the
children; had read the letter; they were afraid; and considering
that they were not at all able to oppose him; who had already
subdued two very great kings; they returned him this answer: That
they owned him for their lord; and would do whatsoever he bade
them。 So he wrote back to them such a reply as enjoined them to
obey what he gave order for; and to cut off the heads of Ahab's
sons; and send them to him。 Accordingly the rulers sent for those
that brought up the sons of Ahab; and commanded them to slay
them; to cut off their heads; and send them to Jehu。 So they did
whatsoever they were commanded; without omitting any thing at
all; and put them up in wicker baskets; and sent them to Jezreel。
And when Jehu; as he was at supper with his friends; was informed
that the heads of Ahab's' sons were brought; he ordered them to
make two heaps of them; one before each of the gates; and in the
morning he went out to take a view of them; and when he saw them;
he began to say to the people that were present; that he did
himself make an expedition against his master 'Joram'; and slew
him; but that it was not he that slew all these; and he desired
them to take notice; that as to Ahab's family; all things had
come to pass according to God's prophecy; and his house was
perished; according as Elijah had foretold。 And when he had
further destroyed all the kindred of Ahab that were found in
Jezreel; he went to Samaria; and as he was upon the road; he met
the relations of Ahaziah king of Jerusalem; and asked them
whither they were going? they replied; that they came to salute
Joram; and their own king Ahaziah; for they knew not that he had
slain them both。 So Jehu gave orders that they should catch
these; and kill them; being in number forty…two persons。
6。 After these; there met him a good and a righteous man; whose
name was Jehonadab; and who had been his friend of old。 He
saluted Jehu; and began to commend him; because he had done every
thing according to the will of God; in extirpating the house of
Ahab。 So Jehu desired him to come up into his chariot; and make
his entry with him into Samaria; and told him that he would not
spare one wicked man; but would punish the false prophets; and
false priests; and those that deceived the multitude; and
persuaded them to leave the worship of God Almighty; and to
worship foreign gods; and that it was a most excellent and most
pleasing sight to a good and a righteous man to see the wicked
punished。 So Jehonadab was persuaded by these arguments; and came
up into Jehu's chariot; and came to Samaria。 And Jehu sought out
for all Ahab's kindred; and slew them。 And being desirous that
none of the false prophets; nor the priests of Ahab's god; might
escape punishment; he caught them deceitfully by this wile; for
he gathered all the people together; and said that he would
worship twice as many gods as Ahab worshipped; and desired that
his priests; and prophets; and servants might be present; because
he would offer costly and great sacrifices to Ahab's god; and
that if any of his priests were wanting; they should be punished
with death。 Now Ahab's god was called Baal; and when he had
appointed a day on which he would offer those sacrifices; he sent
messengers through all the country of the Israelites; that they
might bring the priests of Baal to him。 So Jehu commanded to give
all the priests vestments; and when they had received them; he
went into the house 'of Baal'; with his friend Jehonadab; and
gave orders to make search whether there were not any foreigner
or stranger among them; for he would have no one of a different
religion to mix among their sacred offices。 And when they said
that there was no stranger there; and they were beginning their
sacrifices; he set fourscore men without; they being such of his
soldiers as he knew to be most faithful to him; and bid them slay