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the antiquities of the jews-1-第100章

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twice as many wounded。 But Saul returned to their camp; and
pulled their fortification to pieces; and burnt it; but David
carried the head of Goliath into his own tent; but dedicated his
sword to God 'at the tabernacle'。


Saul Envies David For His Glorious Success; And Takes An Occasion
Of Entrapping Him; From The Promise He Made Him Of Giving Him His
Daughter In Marriage; But This Upon Condition Of His Bringing Him
Six Hundred Heads Of The Philistines。

1。 Now the women were an occasion of Saul's envy and hatred to
David; for they came to meet their victorious army with cymbals;
and drums; and all demonstrations of joy; and sang thus: The
wives said; that 〃Saul had slain his many thousands of the
Philistines。〃 The virgins replied; that 〃David had slain his ten
thousands。〃 Now; when the king heard them singing thus; and that
he had himself the smallest share in their commendations; and the
greater number; the ten thousands; were ascribed to the young
man; and when he considered with himself that there was nothing
more wanting to David; after such a mighty applause; but the
kingdom; he began to be afraid and suspicious of David。
Accordingly he removed him from the station he was in before; for
he was his armor…bearer; which; out of fear; seemed to him much
too near a station for him; and so he made him captain over a
thousand; and bestowed on him a post better indeed in itself;
but; as he thought; more for his own security; for he had a mind
to send him against the enemy; and into battles; as hoping he
would be slain in such dangerous conflicts。

2。 But David had God going along with him whithersoever he went;
and accordingly he greatly prospered in his undertakings; and it
was visible that he had mighty success; insomuch that Saul's
daughter; who was still a virgin; fell in love with him; and her
affection so far prevailed over her; that it could not be
concealed; and her father became acquainted with it。 Now Saul
heard this gladly; as intending to make use of it for a snare
against David; and he hoped that it would prove the cause of
destruction and of hazard to him; so he told those that informed
him of his daughter's affection; that he would willingly give
David the virgin in marriage; and said; 〃I engage myself to marry
my daughter to him if he will bring me six hundred heads of my
enemies (17) supposing that when a reward so ample was proposed
to him; and when he should aim to get him great glory; by
undertaking a thing so dangerous and incredible; he would
immediately set about it; and so perish by the Philistines; and
my designs about him will succeed finely to my mind; for I shall
be freed from him; and get him slain; not by myself; but by
another man。〃 So he gave order to his servants to try how David
would relish this proposal of marrying the damsel。 Accordingly;
they began to speak thus to him: That king Saul loved him; as
well as did all the people; and that he was desirous of his
affinity by the marriage of this damsel。 To which he gave this
answer: … 〃Seemeth it to you a light thing to be made the king's
son…in…law? It does not seem so to me; especially when I am one
of a family that is low; and without any glory or honor。〃 Now
when Saul was informed by his servants what answer David had
made; he said; … 〃Tell him that I do not want any money nor dowry
from him; which would be rather to set my daughter to sale than
to give her in marriage; but I desire only such a son…in…law as
hath in him fortitude; and all other kinds of virtue;〃 of which
he saw David was possessed; and that his desire was to receive of
him; on account of his marrying his daughter; neither gold nor
silver; nor that he should bring such wealth out of his father's
house; but only some revenge on the Philistines; and indeed six
hundred of their heads; than which a more desirable or a more
glorious present could not be brought him; and that he had much
rather obtain this; than any of the accustomed dowries for his
daughter; viz。 that she should be married to a man of that
character; and to one who had a testimony as having conquered his

3。 When these words of Saul were brought to David; he was pleased
with them; and supposed that Saul was really desirous of this
affinity with him; so that without bearing to deliberate any
longer; or casting about in his mind whether what was proposed
was possible; or was difficult or not; he and his companions
immediately set upon the enemy; and went about doing what was
proposed as the condition of the marriage。 Accordingly; because
it was God who made all things easy and possible to David; he
slew many 'of the Philistines'; and cut off the heads of six
hundred of them; and came to the king; and by showing him these
heads of the Philistines; required that he might have his
daughter in marriage。 Accordingly; Saul having no way of getting
off his engagements; as thinking it a base thing either to seem a
liar when he promised him this marriage; or to appear to have
acted treacherously by him; in putting him upon what was in a
manner impossible; in order to have him slain; he gave him his
daughter in marriage: her name was Michal。


How David; Upon Saul's Laying Snares For Him; Did Yet Escape The
Dangers He Was In By The Affection And Care Of Jonathan And The
Contrivances Of His Wife Michal: And How He Came To Samuel The

1。 However; Saul was not disposed to persevere long in the state
wherein he was; for when he saw that David was in great esteem;
both with God and with the multitude; he was afraid; and being
not able to conceal his fear as concerning great things; his
kingdom and his life; to be deprived of either of which was a
very great calamity; he resolved to have David slain; and
commanded his son Jonathan and his most faithful servants to kill
him: but Jonathan wondered at his father's change with relation
to David; that it should be made to so great a degree; from
showing him no small good…will; to contrive how to have him
killed。 Now; because he loved the young man; and reverenced him
for his virtue; he informed him of the secret charge his father
had given; and what his intentions were concerning him。 However;
he advised him to take care and be absent the next day; for that
he would salute his father; and; if he met with a favorable
opportunity; he would discourse with him about him; and learn the
cause of his disgust; and show how little ground there was for
it; and that for it he ought not to kill a man that had done so
many good things to the multitude; and had been a benefactor to
himself; on account of which he ought in reason to obtain pardon;
had he been guilty of the greatest crimes; and 〃I will then
inform thee of my father's resolution。〃 Accordingly David
complied with such an advantageous advice; and kept himself then
out of the king's sight。

2。 On the next day Jonathan came to Saul; as soon as he saw him
in a cheerful and joyful disposition; and began to introduce a
discourse about David: 〃What unjust action; O father; either
little or great; hast thou found so exceptionable in David; as to
induce thee to order us to slay a man w
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