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In October 2000; the IASC Board approved five limited revisions to IAS 39 and other related 
International Accounting Standards (IAS 27; IAS 28; IAS 31; and IAS 32) to improve specific 
paragraphs and help ensure that the Standards are applied consistently。 These changes bee 

effective when an enterprise applies IAS 39 for the first time。 The revisions: 

effective when an enterprise applies IAS 39 for the first time。 The revisions: 

eliminated a requirement in IAS 39 as originally approved for a lender to recognise collateral 
received from a borrower in its balance sheet; 

provide more explicit requirements for impairment recognition; 

require consistent accounting in the consolidated financial statements for temporary 
investments in equity securities in accordance with IAS 39 and other International Accounting 
Standards; and 

eliminated redundant disclosure requirements for hedges in IAS 32。 

Summary of IAS 39 

Under IAS 39; all financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the balance sheet; 
including all derivatives。 They are initially measured at cost; which is the fair value of whatever was 
paid or received to acquire the financial asset or liability。 

An enterprise should recognise normal purchases and sales of financial assets in the market 
place either at trade date or settlement date。 Certain value changes between trade and settlement 
dates are recognised for purchases if settlement date accounting is used。 

Transaction costs should be included in the initial measurement of all financial instruments。 

Subsequent to initial recognition; all financial assets are remeasured to fair value; except for 
the following; which should be carried at amortised cost: 

(a) loans and receivables originated by the enterprise and not held for trading; 
(b) other fixed maturity investments with fixed or determinable payments; such as debt 
securities and mandatorily redeemable preferred shares; that the enterprise intends and is able to 
hold to maturity; and 
(c) financial assets whose fair value cannot be reliably measured (generally limited to some 
equity securities with no quoted market price and forwards and options on unquoted equity 
An enterprise should measure loans and receivables that it has originated and that are not held 
for trading at amortised cost; less reductions for impairment or uncollectibility。 The enterprise need 

not demonstrate an intent to hold originated loans and receivables to maturity。 

not demonstrate an intent to hold originated loans and receivables to maturity。 

If an enterprise is prohibited from classifying financial assets as held…to…maturity because it 
has sold more than an insignificant amount of assets that it had previously said it intended to hold to 
maturity; that prohibition expires at the end of the second financial year following the premature 

After acquisition most financial liabilities are measured at original recorded amount less 
principal repayments and amortisation。 Only derivatives and liabilities held for trading (such as 
securities borrowed by a short seller) are remeasured to fair value。 

For those financial assets and liabilities that are remeasured to fair value; an enterprise will 
have a single; enterprise…wide option either to: 

(a) recognise the entire adjustment in net profit or loss for the period;or 
(b) recognise in net profit or loss for the period only those changes in fair value relating to 
financial assets and liabilities held for trading; with the non…trading value changes reported in equity 
until the financial asset is sold; at which time the realised gain or loss is reported in net profit or loss。 
For this purpose; derivatives are always deemed held for trading unless they are designated as 
hedging instruments。 
IAS 39 requires that an impairment loss be recognised for a financial asset whose recoverable 
amount is less than carrying amount。 Guidance is provided for calculating impairment。 
IAS 39 establishes conditions for determining when control over a financial asset or liability 
has been transferred to another party。 For financial assets a transfer normally would be recognised if 

(a) the transferee has the right to sell or pledge the asset and (b) the transferor does not have the 
right to reacquire the transferred assets。 With respect to derecognition of liabilities; the debtor must 
be legally released from primary responsibility for the liability (or part thereof) either judicially or 
by the creditor。 If part of a financial asset or liability is sold or extinguished; the carrying amount is 
split based on relative fair values。 
Hedging; for accounting purposes; means designating a derivative or (only for hedges of 
foreign currency risks) a non…derivative financial instrument as an offset in net profit or loss; in 

whole or in part; to the change in fair value or cash flows of a hedged item。 Hedge accounting is 
permitted under IAS 39 in certain circumstances; provided that the hedging relationship is clearly 
defined; measurable; and actually effective。 

whole or in part; to the change in fair value or cash flows of a hedged item。 Hedge accounting is 
permitted under IAS 39 in certain circumstances; provided that the hedging relationship is clearly 
defined; measurable; and actually effective。 

For hedges of forecasted transactions that result in the recognition of an asset or liability; the 
gain or loss on the hedging instrument will adjust the basis (carrying amount) of the acquired asset 
or liability。 

IAS 39 supplements the disclosure requirements of IAS 32 for financial instruments。 

The new Standard is effective for annual accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 
2001。 Earlier application is permitted as of the beginning of a financial year that ends after issuance 
of IAS 39。 

On initial adoption of IAS 39; adjustments to bring derivatives and other financial assets and 
liabilities onto the balance sheet and adjustments to remeasure certain financial assets and liabilities 
from cost to fair value will be made by adjusting retained earnings directly。 

IAS 39 Implementation Guidance 

When the IASC Board voted to approve IAS 39 in December 1998; the Board instructed its 
staff to monitor implementation issues and to consider how best to respond to such issues and 
thereby help financial statement preparers; auditors; financial analysts; and others understand IAS 
39 and those preparing to apply it for the first time。 

In March 2000; the IASC Board approved an approach to publish implementation guidance on 
IAS 39 in the form of Questions and Answers (Q&A) and appointed an IAS 39 Implementation 
Guidance mittee (IGC) to review and approve the draft Q&A and to seek public ment 
before final publication。 Also; the IAS 39 Implementation Guidance mittee may refer some 
issues either to the IASB's International Financial Reporting Interpretations mittee (IFRIC) or 
to IASB。 

In July 2001; the IGC issued a consolidated set of IAS 39 Implementation Guidance …
Questions and Answers approved as of 1 July 2001。 The document contains questi
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