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  This essay presents a quantitative study aimed at investigating the formation and transformation of the concept of revolution。 Geming (revolution) is an ancient Chinese term for the predestined cycles governed by tiandao (the way of Heaven)。 During the Han dynasty; it was used to express dynastic changes。 Before the 1898 Reform Movement; the Chinese concept of revolution was usually used in a negative sense。 The abortive 1898 Reform was seen as the failure of the Qing government’s efforts to reform itself and the legitimacy of its rule was thus undermined。 The concept of revolution began to gain momentum after the 1900 Boxer Uprising。 The traditional Chinese concept of dynastic changes merged with the Western concept of revolution。 This conceptual hybrid was seen as a justification for the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of a new government。 As the French Revolution and the Russian October Revolution were made known to the Chinese; the Western idea of revolution was incorporated into the traditional Chinese concept of revolution and the modern Chinese concept of revolution emerged。 In addition to senses like radical change; progression; this Chinese concept of revolution was associated the traditional notion of tiandao; which distinguished it from its Western counterpart。 In the new tiandao; progression was seen as a principle of the cosmos and egalitarianism in place of Confucianism became the morality of the new age。

  The use of revolutionism as the mainstay for China’s social integration was based on two historical backgrounds。 First; the Chinese revolutionism aimed at creating a modern society different to Western models after China’s failure to learn Western democracy and republicanism。 Second; the Chinese concept of revolution contained certain traditional senses。 Revolutions in twentieth…century China inherently bore the nature of dynastic changes (for instance; establishment of a new government by the peasant revolution)。

  In the wake of the upheaval of the Cultural Revolution; Chinese intellectuals came to realize the necessity of bidding farewell to the revolution。 As the Chinese bid farewell to the revolution; the introduction of modern Western economic and political systems was once again placed in the forefront; but on the other hand; it also led to the disintegration of the new morality that took shape during China’s modernization because such a morality was contained in the modern Chinese concept of revolution。 In the late twentieth century; the fast growth of Chinese economy was acpanied by a general moral crisis。


  Keywords: revolutio
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