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    385。 What's the weather like to day? 今天天气怎么样?
    386。 Example is better than precept。 身教胜于言传。
    387。 He does everything without aim. 他做事都漫无目标。
    388。 He is respectful to his elders. 他对长辈很恭敬。
    389。 He knows English better than I. 他比我懂英语。
    390。 He resolved to give up smoking. 他决心戒烟。
    391。 I fear that he drinks too much. 我担心他喝的酒太多了。
    392。 I want to have a part…time job. 我想有一份兼职工作。
    393。 I'm sorry to have bothered you. 对不起,打扰你了。
    394。 It is not so easy as you think. 这事没有你想象的那么简单。
    395。 Keep your temper under control. 不要发脾气。 .
    396。 My efforts resulted in nothing. 我的努力毫无结果。
    397。 Take me to the airport,please. 请送我去机场。
    398。 Talking with you is a pleasure。 和你谈话很愉快
    399。 The teacher got a little angry. 老师有点生气了。
    400。 Think carefully before you act. 三思而后行。
    401。 We are divided in our opinions. 我们意见分歧。
    402。 What ever I said,he'd disagree. 不论我说什么他都不同意。
    403。 Who ever es will be weled. 来的人我们都欢迎。
    404。 You look as if you didn't care. 你看上去好像满不在乎。
    405。 You should look at it yourself. 你应该亲自看看它。
    406。 Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。
    407。 He covered himself with a quilt. 他给自己盖上一条被。
    408。 He found my lecture interesting. 他觉得我讲课有趣。
    409。 He had a good many friends here. 他在这儿有很多朋友。
    410。 Her family are all music lovers. 她全家人都是音乐爱好者。
    411。 I am busy.How is your business? 我很忙。你的生意做得怎样?
    412。 I don't think much of the movie. 我认为那电影不怎么样。
    413。 I feel like eating an ice…cream. 我想吃一个冰淇淋。
    414。 I'm not guessing,I really know. 我不是在猜想,我真的知道。
    415。 It's time to tell her the truth. 是该告诉她真相的时候了。
    416。 You'd better look before you leap. 你最好三思而后行。
    417。 You know what I'm talking about。 我想你知道我在说什么。
    418。 I count you as one of my friends 我把你算作我的一个朋友。
    419。 I won't be able to see him today。 今天我不可能去看他。
    420。 It's a secret between you and me。 这是你我之间的秘密。
    421。 It's very kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真是太好了。
    422。 Let's divide the cake into three. 我们将蛋糕分成三份吧。
    423。 Patience is a mark of confidence。 耐心是自信心的一种表现。
    424。 Susan is going to finish college. 苏珊将完成大学学业。
    425。 The book you ask for is sold out. 你要的那本书已经售完了。
    426 The boy was too nervous to speak. 那男孩紧张得说不出话来。
    427。 They will arrive in half an hour. 他们将于半小时之内到达。
    428。 Time is more valuable than money。 时间比金钱宝贵。
    429。 We are all in favor of this plan. 我们都赞同这项计划。
    430。 what a lovely little girl she is! 她是一个多么可爱的小女孩耶!
    431。 Will you pick me up at my place? 你能到我的住处来接我吗?
    432。 You may choose whatever you like. 你可以喜欢什么就选什么。
    433。 You're suffering from an allergy? 你过敏吗?
    434。 Beyond all questions you are right。 毫无疑问,你是对的。
    435。 e to see me whenever you like。 你可以随时来见我。
    436。 Don't pull the chairs about;boys! 不要把椅子拖来拖去,孩子们!
    437。 Her handbag goes with her clothes。 她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。
    438。 I really need to lose some weight. 我真的需要减肥了。
    439。 I think you have the Wrong number. 我想你打错号码了。
    440。 I would rather stay at home alone. 我宁愿独自呆在家。
    441。 Its origin is still a mystery now. 它的起源至今仍是个谜。
    442。 Money is no more than our servant. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。
    443。 Once you begin,you must continue. 一旦开始,你就得继续。
    444。 She is poor but quite respectable. 她虽穷,人品却很端正。
    445。 She spent a lot of money on books. 她花了很多钱来买书。
    446。 The girl in red is his girlfriend. 穿红衣服的那个女孩是他的女朋友。
    447。 There is a chair below the window. 窗户下面有一把椅子。
    448。 They employed him as a consultant. 他们雇用他为顾问。
    449。 To be honest with you,I'm twenty. 老实说,我20岁。
    450。 We often call him by his nickname. 我们经常叫他的绰号。
    451。 Will you be free tomorrow evening? 你明晚有空吗?
    452。 Would you like to leave a message? 你要留话吗?
    453。 You may as well tell me the truth. 你还是把事实告诉我为好。
    454。 Do you have any suggestions for me? 你对我有什么建议么?
    455。 He is tough,but I am even tougher。 他是一个硬汉子,不过我要比他更硬。
    456。 He suggests you leave here at once. 他建议你立刻离开这儿。
    457。 He will blame you for carelessness. 他会责备你的粗心大意。
    458。 I can give you a number of excuses. 我可以给你说出很多理由。
    459。 I don't doubt that he will help me. 我不怀疑他会援助我。
    460。 I hope you enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在这儿过的愉快。
    461。 I'd like to…repair our differences. 我愿意消除一下我们之间的分歧。
    462。 It's nothing to be surprised about. 这事不值得大惊小怪。
    463。 It's rude to stare at other people。 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。
    464。 Bob has always had a crush on Lucy. 鲍伯一直在爱着露茜。
    465。 Let's take a short break for lunch. 让我们休息一会儿,去吃午饭。
    466。 Linda speaks as if she were a boss. 琳达说话总好象她是老板。
    467。 She became more and more beautiful. 她变得越来越漂亮了。
    468。 Suppose it rains;what shall we do? 万一下雨,我们该怎么办?
    469。 The book is protected by copyright. 该书受版权保护。
    470。 The price includes postage charges。 价格包括邮资在内。
    471。 This is a little something for you. 这是我给你们的一点心意。
    472。 What he likes best is making jokes. 他最喜欢开玩笑。
    473。 Who but Jack would do such a thing? 除了杰克谁会做这种事呢?
    474。 You should have a mind of your own. 你必须有自己的主见。
    475。 You will soon get used to the work. 你很快就会习惯于这项工作的。
    476。 God helps those who he1p themselves. 上帝帮助那些自己帮自己的人。
    477。 He has a nice sum of money put away. 他存了一大笔钱。
    478。 He used to learn everything by rote. 他过去总是死记硬背。
    479。 He's a terrible man when he's angry. 他生气的时候很可怕。
    480。 I am sick of always waiting for you! 你老让我等你,真是烦透了。
    481。 I appreciate John's helping in time. 我感谢约翰的及时帮助。
    482。 I doubted whether the story is true. 我怀疑那故事是不是真的。
    483。 I learnt that I had passed the test. 我获悉我测验及格了。
    484。 I will seek from my doctor's advice. 我将请教医生的意见。
    485。 In a word,I am tired of everything. 总之,我对一切都很厌倦。
    486。 Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我们自己做这件事,可以吗?
    487。 May I know the quantity you require? 请问你们需要多少数量的货物?
    488。 Nobody has ever solved this problem. 没有人曾解决过这个问题。
    489。 There isn't any water in the bottle. 瓶子里一点水也没有。
    490。 This joke has gone a little too far. 这个玩笑开得有点…过分了。
    491。 We can't go out because of the rain. 我们不能出去因为下雨了。
    492。 We should make good use of our time. 我们应该充分利用我们的时间。
    493。 We shou
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