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  〃*liner conference〃;〃班轮公会〃
  〃 consortium or consortia〃;〃联营体〃
  〃 closed conference〃;〃封闭式公会〃
  〃 open conference〃;〃开放式公会〃
  〃*liner shipping〃;〃班轮运输〃
  〃 liner schedule〃;〃船期表〃
  〃 transport service〃;〃货物运输服务〃
  〃 tariff〃;〃运价本〃
  〃*tramp shipping〃;〃不定期船运输〃
  〃*charter party〃;〃租船合同〃
  〃 general cargo vessel〃;〃件杂货船〃
  〃 roll on/roll off ship:ro/ro ship〃;〃滚装船〃
  〃 refrigerated ship〃;〃冷藏船〃
  〃 Multi…propose ship〃;〃多用途船〃
  〃 dry bulk carrier〃;〃干散货船〃
  〃 coal carrier〃;〃运煤船〃
  〃 bulk grain carrier〃;〃散粮船〃
  〃 ore carrier〃;〃矿石船〃
  〃 full container ship〃;〃全集装箱船〃
  〃 panama〃;〃巴拿马型船〃
  〃 panamax〃;〃巴拿马极限型船〃
  〃 post…panamax〃;〃超巴拿马型船〃
  〃 super post…panamax/Extra post…panamax〃;〃特超巴拿马型船〃
  〃 liquified gas carrier〃;〃液化气船〃
  〃 Tanker〃;〃油船〃
  〃 liquified natural gas carrier;LNG carrier〃;〃液化天然气船〃
  〃 Liquified petroleum gas carrier:LPG carrier〃;〃液化石油气船〃
  〃 chemical tanker〃;〃液体化学品船〃
  〃 Cargo or Goods〃;〃货物〃
  〃 packed cargo〃;〃包装货物〃
  〃 unpacked cargo or nonpacked cargo〃;〃裸装货物〃
  〃 unitized cargo〃;〃成组化货物〃
  〃 containerized cargo〃;〃集装箱货物〃
  〃 solid bulk cargo〃;〃干质散装货〃
  〃 liquid bulk cargo〃;〃液体散装货〃
  〃 general cargo 〃;〃普通货物〃
  〃 special cargo〃;〃特殊货物〃
  〃 clean cargo〃;〃清洁货物〃
  〃 fine cargo〃;〃精细货物〃
  〃 foodstuffs〃;〃食品〃
  〃 fragile cargo〃;〃易碎品〃
  〃 liquid cargo〃;〃液体货物〃
  〃 rough cargo〃;〃粗劣货物〃
  〃 smelly cargo〃;〃散发气味的货物〃
  〃 dusty and dirty cargo〃;〃扬尘污染性货物〃
  〃 dangerous cargo〃;〃危险货物〃
  〃 reefer cargo〃;〃冷藏货物〃
  〃 perishable cargo〃;〃易腐性货物〃
  〃 valuable cargo〃;〃贵重货物〃
  〃 livestock and plants〃;〃活的动植物〃
  〃 bulky and lengthy cargo;heavy cargo〃;〃长大;笨重货物〃
  〃*metric ton;M/T〃;〃公吨〃
  〃*long ton〃;〃长吨〃
  〃 draft survey or draught survey〃;〃水尺记重〃
  〃*stowage factor;S。F。〃;〃货物积载因数〃
  〃 explosives〃;〃爆炸品〃
  〃 gases〃;〃气体〃
  〃 Inflammable liquids〃;〃易燃液体〃
  〃 Flash point〃;〃闪点〃
  〃 explosive limits〃;〃爆炸极限〃
  〃 Inflammable solids〃;〃易燃固体〃
  〃 spontaneously bustible substance 〃;〃易自燃物质〃
  〃 substances emitting inflammable gases when wet〃;〃遇水放出易燃气体的物质〃
  〃 Fire point〃;〃燃点〃
  〃 Spontaneously bustion point〃;〃自燃点〃
  〃 Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides〃;〃氧化剂和有机过氧化物〃
  〃 toxic and infectious substances〃;〃有毒物质和有感染性物质〃
  〃 Half…lethal dose〃;〃半数致死量〃
  〃 half…lethal concentration〃;〃半数致死浓度〃
  〃 radioactive substances〃;〃放射性物质〃
  〃 radioactivity strength〃;〃放射性活度〃
  〃 specific activity〃;〃放射性比度〃
  〃 dose equivalent〃;〃剂量当量〃
  〃 transport index〃;〃运输指数〃
  〃 Corrosives〃;〃腐蚀性物质〃
  〃 Miscellaneous dangerous substances〃;〃杂类危险物质和物品〃
  〃 transport equipment〃;〃运输设备〃
  〃*shipper's own container;S。O。C。〃;〃承运人集装箱〃
  〃*carrier's own container;COC。〃;〃货主自有箱〃
  〃*twenty…foot equivalent unit;TEU〃;〃换算集装箱〃
  〃 dry cargo container〃;〃干货集装箱〃
  〃 bulk container〃;〃散货集装箱〃
  〃 reefer container;RF〃;〃冷藏集装箱〃
  〃 general propose container;GP〃;〃通用集装箱〃
  〃 open…top container;OT〃;〃敞顶集装箱〃
  〃 plat form based container〃;〃框架集装箱〃
  〃 frat rack container〃;〃框架集装箱〃
  〃 pen container〃;〃牲畜集装箱〃
  〃 tank container;TK〃;〃罐式集装箱〃
  〃 car container〃;〃汽车集装箱〃
  〃 chilled cargo〃;〃冷却货物〃
  〃 frosen cargo〃;〃冷冻货物〃
  〃 break bulk cargo〃;〃散件货物〃
  〃*full container (cargo) load;FCL〃;〃整箱货〃
  〃*less than container (cargo) load;LCL〃;〃拼箱货〃
  〃*ship's rail or hook/tackle〃;〃船边或吊钩〃
  〃*container yard;CY〃;〃集装箱堆场〃
  〃 empty container〃;〃空箱〃
  〃 loaded container〃;〃重箱〃
  〃*container freight station;CFS〃;〃集装箱货运站〃
  〃*door to door〃;〃门到门〃
  〃*door to CY〃;〃门到场〃
  〃*door to CFS〃;〃门到站〃
  〃 door to tackle 〃;〃门到钩〃
  〃*CY to door〃;〃场到门〃
  〃*CY to CY〃;〃场到场〃
  〃*CY to CFS〃;〃场到站〃
  〃 CY to tackle〃;〃场到钩〃
  〃*CFS to door〃;〃站到门〃
  〃*CFS to CY〃;〃站到场〃
  〃*CFS to CFS〃;〃站到站〃
  〃 CFS to tackle〃;〃站到钩〃
  〃 tackle to door〃;〃钩到门〃
  〃 tackle to CY〃;〃钩到场〃
  〃 tackle to CFS〃;〃钩到站〃
  〃 tackle to tackle〃;〃钩到钩〃
  〃*container lease agreement〃;〃租箱合同〃
  〃 early termination clause〃;〃提前终止条款〃
  〃*damage protection plan;D。P。P。〃;〃损害修理条款〃
  〃*ocean mon carrier〃;〃远洋公共承运人〃
  〃*non…vessel operating (mon) carrier〃;〃无船承运人〃
  〃*service contract;SC〃;〃服务合同〃
  〃*ocean freight forwarder〃;〃远洋货运代理人〃
  〃 liner schedule〃;〃班轮船期表〃
  〃 rail to rail 〃;〃船舷至船舷〃
  〃 canvassion〃;〃揽货 〃
  〃 booking〃;〃订仓〃
  〃*home booking〃;〃卸货地订仓〃
  〃 buyer's nominated cargo〃;〃指定货〃
  〃 mislanded〃;〃误卸〃
  〃 overlanded〃;〃溢卸〃
  〃 shortlanded〃;〃短卸〃
  〃 cargo tracer〃;〃货物查询单〃
  〃 duly endorsed〃;〃适当正确的背书〃
  〃 port of discharge〃;〃卸货港〃
  〃 optional cargo〃;〃选货港〃
  〃*booking note;B/N〃;〃托运单〃
  〃 counterfoil〃;〃留底〃
  〃*shipping order;S/O〃;〃装货单〃
  〃*mate's receipt;M/R〃;〃收货单〃
  〃 closing date〃;〃截止签发日〃
  〃*chief mate〃;〃大副〃
  〃 remark〃;〃批注〃
  〃*foul receipt 〃;〃不清洁收货单〃
  〃*clean receipt〃;〃清洁收货单〃
  〃*loading list〃;〃载货清单〃
  〃 additional cargo list〃;〃加载清单〃
  〃 cancelled cargo list〃;〃取消货载清单〃
  〃 stowage plan〃;〃积载图〃
  〃*freight manifest〃;〃载货运费清单〃
  〃*dangerous cargo safe stowage certificate〃;〃危险货物安全装载书〃
  〃 heavy and lenghthy cargo list〃;〃重大件清单〃
  〃 space report〃;〃舱位报告〃
  〃 stowage survey report〃;〃积载检验报告〃
  〃*boat note〃;〃过驳清单〃
  〃*over landed & shortlanded cargo list〃;〃货物短溢单〃
  〃*broken & damaged cargo list〃;〃货物残损单〃
  〃*delivery order;D/O〃;〃提货单〃
  〃 non…negotiable〃;〃禁止流通〃
  〃 MSDS〃;〃危险货物安全资料卡〃
  〃*Dock receipt:D/R〃;〃场站收据〃
  〃*equipment interchange receipt;EIR 〃;〃设备交接单〃
  〃 shut out〃;〃退关〃
  〃 consoeidated cargo〃;〃集拼货物〃
  〃*ocean B/L〃;〃海运提单〃
  〃*house B/L〃;〃仓至仓提单〃
  〃 shipment contract〃;〃装运合同〃
  〃*evidence of the contract of carriage〃;〃运输合同的证明〃
  〃*evidence of receipt for the goods〃;〃货物收据〃
  〃*prima facie evidence/preliminary evidence〃;〃初步证据〃
  〃*Conlusive Evidence〃;〃绝对证据〃
  〃*document of title〃;〃物权凭证〃
  〃 Long form B/L〃;〃全式提单〃
  〃 short form B/L〃;〃简式提单〃
  〃 on board B/L(shipped B/L)〃;〃已装船提单〃
  〃 received for shippment B/L〃;〃收货待运提单〃
  〃 straight B/L〃;〃记名提单〃
  〃*open B/L(blank B/L;bearer B/L)〃;〃不记名提单〃
  〃 order B/L〃;〃指示提单〃
  〃 Direct B/L〃;〃直达提单〃
  〃 Transhipment B/L or Through B/L〃;
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