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1631 减轴运转试验 shaft cut off test
1632 轴发电机马达 shaft generator motor (SGM)
1633 轴接地装置 shaft grounding (or earthing) device
1634 轴线 shaft line
1635 轴套筒 shaft sleeve
1636 艉轴支架 shaft strut
1637 轴道 shaft tunnel
1638 浅水效应 shallow water effect
1639 遮蔽甲板 shelter deck
1640 舱口活动梁 shifting (or hatch) beam
1641 帆船 sailing ship
1642 汽船;轮船 steam ship (or steamer)
1643 工场 shop
1644 工场布置 shop layout
1645 横止滑木(下水台) spread shore
1646 喷'射钢'珠除;珠'粒喷'击 shot blast
1647 收缩裕度 shrinkage allowance
1648 桅牵索(横向) shroud
1649 1)分流;分路 2)分流器 shunt
1650 侧向弯曲 side bend
1651 银焊 silver soldering
1652 相似模型船 similar model
1653 辛姆拉'客船'规则 Simla rule
1654 单涨式机 simple expansion engine
1655 简支格架 simple supported grillage
1656 单脚锚泊(钻油台) single anchor leg mooring
1657 单臂连杆 single bar link
1658 歪斜;掠曲 skew
1659 表面阻力 skin resistance
1660 鲔钓渔船 skipjack fishing vessel (or tuna clipper)
1661 壁脚升高度 skirting rise
1662 除'焊'渣锤 slag hammer
1663 低转速(港内);低速'率' slow speed
1664 烟囱 smoke stack
1665 烟管锅炉 smoke tube boiler
1666 窒火装置 smothering arrangement
1667 开口滑车 snatch block
1668 交谊室 social hall
1669 声纳定位仪 SOFAR (= sound fixing and ranging)
1670 软铁 soft iron
1671 焊酸(软焊用) soldering acid
1672 固体燃料 solid fuel
1673 整体舵针 solid pintle
1674 防音材料 soundproof material
1675 涌点;源流(流体力学) source
1676 轻甲板船 spar deck vessel
1677 备品 spare parts (or spares)
1678 火花点火器 spark igniter
1679 比阻力 specific resistance
1680 比推力 specific thrust
1681 1)样品 2)试样;试件 specimen
1682 航海船速;营运船速 sustained speed
1683 调速变阻器 speed adjusting rheostat
1684 快艇 speed boat
1685 接近速率 speed of approach
1686 速率试 speed trial
1687 酒精罗经 spirit pass
1688 柱锚(挖泥船) spud
1689 棒锚稳定型钻油船 spud…stabilized type drilling rig
1690 级阀 stage valve
1691 交错管配置 staggered tube layout
1692 标准舷弧 standard sheer
1693 竖凸缘 standing flange
1694 环套角型材 stapling (or angle collar ; or staple angle)
1695 起动器 starter
1696 起动补偿器 starting pensator
1697 起动转矩 starting torque
1698 特别房舱 stateroom
1699 静落差 static head1701 牵索;支杆;拉索 stay
1702 稳定索 steadying lines
1703 蒸汽锅炉 steam boiler
1704 汽缸 steam cylinder
1705 蒸汽再热器 steam reheater
1706 汽密接合 steam tight joint
1707 钢料储存场 steel bay (or yard)
1708 钢材集散场 steel yard
1709 艏踵部 stem foot
1710 附梯舱口柱 step (or notch; or cleat) stanchion
1711 艉膨出部 stern boss (or bossing)
1712 艉槽轮(布缆船) stern sheave
1713 艉侧推器 stern thruster
1714 艉轴管轴封 stern tube sealing
1715 艉波 stern wave
1716 艉外明轮船 stern wheel steamer (or stern wheeler)
1717 装载检查 stowage survey
1718 矫直 straightening
1719 正极性 straight polarity
1720 强度计算 strength calculation
1721 加强;补强 strengthening
1722 应力曲线 stress curve
1723 残油阀 stripping valve
1724 贵重品库 strong room
1725 结构柱型钻油 structural column type
1726 聚苯乙烯发泡塑料;保丽龙 styrofoam
1727 舱区划分;舱区 subdivision
1728 深水泵;沉入式泵 submergeol pump
1729 可潜式 submersible type
1730 吸入滤器 suction filter
1731 苏彝士运河探照灯 Suez Canal searchlight
1732 超音波回声测深仪 supersonic echo sounder
1733 表面毡(FRP) surface mat
1734 同步升降船台 synchrolift
1735 频率合成器 synthesizer
1736 壳管式热交换器 shell and tube heat exchanger
1737 被覆电弧焊 shielded arc welding
1738 金属被覆电弧焊 shield metal arc welding (SMAW)
1739 1)移动板(壁板) 2)防动板 shifting board
1740 船上自动化系统 shipboard automation system
1741 造船 shipbuilding
1742 造船厂 shipyard
1743 板金工场 sheet metal shop
1744 场内试验 shop test
1745 短艏艛 short forecastle
1746 艏系缆管 shoulder pipe
1747 热套焊接曲轴 shrunk welded crank shaft
1748 分绕发电机 shunt wound generator
1749 舷窗 side light (or porthole)
1750 舷板;侧板 side plate
1751 舷侧污水道 side water course
1752 显给润滑器 sight feed lubricator
1753 单材肋骨 single frame
1754 单点系泊系统 single point mooring system (SPM)
1755 浮沉式软管 sinking and floating hose
1756 摩擦马力 skin horsepower
1757 碎煤;屑煤 slack (or dust) coal
1758 旋臂吊车 slewing jib crane
1759 滑动平台 slide platform
1760 滑'动接'触 sliding contact
1761 滑动接合 sliding joint
1762 滑台 sliding ways
1763 滑流角度 slip angle
1764 波面斜率 slope of wave surface
1765 出渣孔 sludge hole
1766 烟色图 smoke chart
1767 测烟装置 smoke observation device
1768 软水 soft water
1769 声压 sound pressure
1770 后桅纵帆桅 spanker mast
1771 备用锚 spare anchor
1772 频谱分析 spectral (or spectrum) analysis
1773 航海船速;营运船速 sea (or service; or sustained) speed
1774 速率信号灯 speed lantern
1775 对地速度 speed over the ground
1776 对水速度 speed through the water
1777 插承接合;管口接合 spigot (or faucet) joint
1778 防溅(海浪) splash proof
1779 有辐轮 spoke wheel
1780 排气套管 spool piece
1781 匙形桨 spoon oar
1782 纱织丝束(FRP) spun roving
1783 稳度 stability
1784 级压力 stage pressure
1785 标准耐火试验 standard fire test
1786 标准化试 standardization trial
1787 标准型 standard type
1788 固定索 standing line
1789 固定索 standing wire
1790 右舷灯 starboard light
1791 起动空气 starting air
1792 星曲折接法 star zigzag connection
1793 '船长'等分线 station (or ordinate)
1794 支索帆 stay sail
1795 稳态回旋 steady turning
1796 蒸汽喷吹 steam blast
1797 汽船;轮船 steam ship (or steamer)
1798 汽动绞机 steam winch
1799 型钢 section steel
1800 钢厂 steel works
1801 产生舵效之最低航速 steerage way
1802 舵机引擎 steering engine
1803 蒸汽操舵装置 steam steering gear
1804 大王销 steering (or king) pin
1805 艉轴管衬套 stern bush (or stern tube bearing; or stern tube bushing)
1806 艉缘饰 stern moulding
1807 1)锅炉舱 2)生火间 stoke hold (or fire room)
1808 风暴扶手托架 storm rail bracket
1809 储放卷盘 stowage reel
1810 直线型船 straight lined vessel
1811 应变计 strain gage (or meter)
1812 抗震强度 shock strength
1813 节片理论 strip theory
1814 结构校准 structural alignment
1815 结构用芯材 structural core
1816 结构试验 structure test
1817 日字链 stud chain
1818 栓环链;日字链 stud link chain cable (or stud chain)
1819 舱区划分载重线 subdivision loadline
1820 海底石油生产系统 subsea production system (SPS)
1821 海水吸入口 sea suction
1822 吸引升力 suction lift
1823 套房 suit room (or suite)
1824 硫脆裂 sulphur crack
1825 低艉艛 sunken poop
1826 日光屏 sun screen
1827 增压 super…charge
1828 超导同极直流电机 super conducting homopolar DC machine
1829 表面效应船 surface effect ship (SES)
1830 平板 surface table
1831 表面毡 surfacing mat (SM)
1832 检验 survey
1833 检测计(核能) survey meter
1834 航海船速;营运船速 sustained (or sea; or service) speed
1835 分段开关 section switch
1836 按捺