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italism and why these benefits have costs。 This intellectual failure has left capitalism vulnerable to opponents and to ignorance within the system。Capitalism lost much of its standing in the interwar period; when many countries in western continental Europe shifted to corporatist systems。 This was a low point in the public’s grasp of political economy。 In the end; the promises of greater prosperity and lesser swings could not be delivered。 The nations that kept capitalism while making reforms; some good and others maybe not; ultimately performed well again – until now。 Those that broke from capitalism were less innovative。 After the disturbances of the 1970s; they saw unemployment rise far more than the capitalist nations did。 They were worse on economic inclusion too。Now capitalism is in the midst of its second crisis。 An explanation offered is that the bankers; whatever they knew about capitalism; knew that to keep their jobs and their bonuses they would have to borrow more and more to lend more and more; in order to meet profit targets and hold up share prices。 The implication was that the crisis flowed from a failure of corporate governance to curb bonuses and of regulation to rein in leveraging of bank capital to levels that made the banks vulnerable to a break in housing prices。But why did big shareholders not move to stop over…leveraging before it reached dangerous levels? Why did legislators not demand regulatory intervention? The answer; I believe; is that they had no sense of the existing Knightian uncertainty。 So they had no sense of the possibility of a huge break in housing prices and no sense of the fundamental inapplicability of the risk management models used in the banks。 “Risk” came to mean volatility over some recent past。 The volatility of the price as it vibrates around some path was considered but not the uncertainty of the path itself: the risk that it would shift down。 The banks’ chief executives; too; had little grasp of uncertainty。 Some had the instinct to buy insurance but did not see the uncertainty of the insurer’s solvency。Much is dysfunctional in the US and the UK: a financial sector that turned away from the business sector; then caused its self…destruction; and a business sector beset by short…termism。 If we still have our humanist values we will try to restructure these sectors to make capitalism work well again – to guard better against reckless disregard of uncertainty in the financial sector while reviving innovativeness in business。 We will not close the door on systems that gave growing numbers rewarding lives。The writer is director of the Center on Capitalism and Society; Columbia University; and winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics。 To join the debate go to ft/capitalismblog
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