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RMSE Root Mean Square Error 均方根误差 
RMX Remote MultipleXer 远端复用器 
RN Random Noise 随机噪声 
RN Remote Node 远端节点 
RNAA Request Network Address Assignment 请求网络地址分配 
RNC Radio Network Controller 无线网络控制器 
RNC Regional Network Center 区域网络中心 
RNCC Regional Network Control Center 区域网络控制中心 
RNE Remote Network Equipment 远地网络设备 
RNET Remote NETwork 远程网络 
RNF Refracted Near…Field technique 折射近场法 
RNN Recurrent Neural Network 递归神经网 
RNP Remote Network Processor 远程网络处理机 
RNR Receive Not Ready 接收未准备就绪 
RO Remote Office 远端局 
RO Remote Operation 远端*作 
ROAM Remote Office Access Management 远程办公访问管理 
ROL Repeated Optical Link 光中继链路 
ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器 
ROMM Read Only Memory Module 只读存储器模块 
ROPA Remote Optically Pumped Amplifier 远端光泵放大器 
ROS Real…time Operating System 实时*作系统 
ROS Remote Operation Service 远程*作服务 
ROSE Remote Operation Service Element 远程*作服务单元 
ROSI Radio OSI protocol 无线OSI协议 
ROT Receive…Only Terminal 单收终端 
ROTL Remote Office Test Line 远端局测试线路 
ROW Right Of Way 路权 
RP Regional Processor 区域处理机 
RP Remote Point 远端点
RP Reservation Packet 预留分组 
RPB Regional Processor Bus 区域处理机总线 
RPC Radio Port Controller 无线端口控制器 
RPC Remote Procedure Call 远端处理呼叫 
RPH Regional Processor Handler 区域处理机处理器 
RPLPC Regular Pulse Linear Prencdictive Coding 规则脉冲线性预测编码 
RPOA Recognized Private Operating Agency 认可的民营电信机构 
RPS Regional Processor Subsystem 区域处理机子系统 
RPS Remote Processing System 远程处理系统 
RPS Ring Parameter Server 环参数服务器 
RPT Regional Processor Tester 区域处理机测试器 
RR Receive Ready 接受准备就绪 
RR Request Response 请求应答 
RR Re…Route 重定路由 
RR Round Robin 循环(法) 
RRA Reservation Random Access 预留随机接入 
RRC Radio Resource Control 无线资源控制 
RRP Resource Reservation Protocol 资源预约协议 
RRR Routing with Resource Reservation 资源预留选路 
RRS Retransmission Request Signal 请求重发信号 
RRU Regenerative Repeater Unit 再生中继单元 
RS Real Storage 实际存储器 
RS Real System 实系统 
RS Receiver Sensitivity 接收机灵敏度 
RS Reconciliation Sublayer 调和子层 
RS Remote Sensing 遥感 
RS Remote Switching 远程交换 
RSA Remote Station Alarm 远地站告警 
RSC Receive Speech Channel 接收话音信道 
RSCE Restoration Switching Control Equipment 恢复交换控制设备 
RSE Remote Station Equipment 远地站设备 
RSE Remote Supervisory Equipment 远地监控设备 
RSE Restoratin Switching Equipment 恢复交换设备 
RSI Remote Server Interface 远地服务器接口 
RSM Remote Subscriber Multiplex 远地用户复用 
RSM Remote Switching Module 远地交换模块 
RSN Radio Station Node 无线基站节点 
RSN Rearrangeable Switching Network 可再安排的交换网络 
RSOH Regeneration Section OverHead 再生段开销 
RSOH Repeater Section OverHead 中继段开销 
RSP Real…time Simulation Platform 实时模拟平台 
RSP Reduced Shortest Path 简约的最短通路 
RSP Reliable Stream Protocol 可靠流协议 
RSP Route Selection Program 选路程序 
RSPC Remote Speech Path Controller 远地话路控制设备 
RSPM Remote Speech Path Module 远地话路模块 
RSS Received Signal Strength 接收信号强度 
RSS Remote Subscriber Switch 远地用户交换 
RSS Remote Switching Stage 远地交换级 
RSS Remote Switching System 远地交换系统 
RSS Resource Security System 资源安全系统 
RSS Resource Sharing System 资源共享系统 
RSS Route Selection Services 选路服务 
RSS Route Switching Subsystem 路由交换子系统 
RST Regenerator Section Termination 再生段终接 
RST Regional Signaling Terminal 区域信令终端 
RST Remote STation 远程站 
RSTM Route Set Test Management 路由组测试管理 
RSTP Regional Signaling Transfer Point 区域信令转换点 
RSU Remote Subscriber Unit 远程用户单元 
RSU Remote Switching Unit 远端交换单元 
RSVP Resource reSerVation Protocol 资源预留协议 
RT Real Time 实时 
RT Real…Time system 实时系统 
RT Reliable Transfer 可靠传送(转移) 
RT Remote Terminal 远程终端 
RT Response Time 响应时间 
RT Ringing Tone 振铃音 
RT Routine Test 例行测试 
RT Routing Table 路由表 
RT Routing Topology 选路拓扑 
RT…ABR Real Time Available Bit Rate 实时可用速率业务 
RT…VBR Real Time Variable Bit Rate 实时可变比特率 
RTAF Radio Transmission Adaption Function 无线传输适配功能 
RTAM Remote Terminal Access Method 远程终端接入法 
RTAS Real…Time Analysis System 实时分析系统 
RTC Real Time Clock 实时时钟 
RTC Return To Control 返回控制 
RTC RouTe Control 路由控制 
RTC RouTing Code 路由代码 
RTCC Real…Time Control Center 实时控制中心 
RTCF Real Time Conversion Facility 实时转换设备 
RTCP Realtime Transport Control Protocol 实时传输控制协议 
RTD Round…Trip…Delay 往返时延 
RTDBS Real…Time DataBase System 实时数据库系统 
RTDD Real…Time Data Distribution 实时数据分配 
RTDHS Real…Time Data Handling System 实时数据处理系统 
RTDS Rapid Transmission Data System 快速传输数据系统 
RTDS Real…Time Data System 实时数据系统 
RTE Real…Time Executive system 实时执行系统 
RTE Remote Terminal Equipment 远程终端设备 
RTI Real Time Interface 实时接口 
RTI Real Time Interrupt 实时中断 
RTIO Real…Time Input / Output 实时输入输出 
RTIP Real…Time Internet Protocol 实时因特网协议 
RTIRS Real…Time Information Retrieval System 实时情报检索系统 
RTIU Remote Terminal Interface Unit 远地终端接口单元 
RTLP Reference Transmission Level Point 参考传输电平点 
RTM Radio Transmission Management 无线传输管理 
RTM Reference Test Method 基准测试方法 
RTMC Real…Time Management Coordination 实时管理协调 
RTMM Real…Time MultiMedia 实时多媒体 
RTMS Radio Telephone Mobile System 无线电话移动系统 
RTMS Real…Time Memory System 实时存储系统 
RTNMS Real…Time Network Management System 实时网络管理系统 
RTNR Real Time Network Routing 实时网络选路 
RTOS Real Time Operating System 实时*作系统 
RTP Rapid Transport Protocol 快速传送协议 
RTP Real…time Transport Protocol 实时传送协议 
RTP/RTCP Real…Time Protocol / Real…Time Control Protocol 实时传输协议/实时控制协议 
RTPL Real…Time Processing Language 实时处理语言 
RTPS Real…Time Programming System 实时编程系统 
RTR Request To Receive 请求接收 
RTS Ready To Send 准备发送 
RTS Real…Time System 实时系统 
RTS Remote Terminal System 远地终端检测器 
RTS Request To Send 请求发送 
RTS Resistive Touch Screens 电阻式触摸屏 
RTS Return To Service 恢复使用 
RTS/CTS Request…To…Send / Clear…To…Send protocol 请求发送/清除发送协议 
RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element 可靠传送服务单元 
RTSP Real…Time Streaming Protocol 实时流协议 
RTT Radio Transmission Technology 无线传输技术 
RTT Real…Time Traffic 实时业务 
RTT Round Trip Time 往返时间 
RTTE Remote Terminal Test Equipment 远地终端测试设备 
RTTP Real…Time Transport Protocol 实时传送协议 
RTU Remote Terminal Unit 远端终端单元 
RTU Remote Testing Unit 远端测试单元 
RTU Routing Table Update 路由表更新 
RTV Real Time Video 实时视频 
RU Ready Use 备用 
RU Recovery Unit 恢复单元 
RU Remote Unit 远端单元 
RUA Remote User Agent 远程用户代理 
RVA Relative Virtual Address 相对虚拟地址 
RVM Recoverable Virtual Memory 可恢复的虚拟存储器 
RVP Remote Voice Protocol 远程话音协议 
RVS Real…time Vision System 实时显示 系统 
RVS Remote Visulization System 远程可视化系统 
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