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its principles。
  But this sceptical method is essentially peculiar to
transcendental philosophy; and can perhaps be dispensed with in
every other field of investigation。 In mathematics its use would be
absurd; because in it no false assertions can long remain hidden;
inasmuch as its demonstrations must always proceed under the
guidance of pure intuition; and by means of an always evident
synthesis。 In experimental philosophy; doubt and delay may be very
useful; but no misunderstanding is possible; which cannot be easily
removed; and in experience means of solving the difficulty and putting
an end to the dissension must at last be found; whether sooner or
later。 Moral philosophy can always exhibit its principles; with
their practical consequences; in concreto… at least in possible
experiences; and thus escape the mistakes and ambiguities of
abstraction。 But transcendental propositions; which lay claim to
insight beyond the region of possible experience; cannot; on the one
hand; exhibit their abstract synthesis in any a priori intuition; nor;
on the other; expose a lurking error by the help of experience。
Transcendental reason; therefore; presents us with no other
criterion than that of an attempt to reconcile such assertions; and
for this purpose to permit a free and unrestrained conflict between
them。 And this we now proceed to arrange。*

  *The antinomies stand in the order of the four transcendental
ideas above detailed。



     The world has a beginning in time; and is also limited in
regard to space。


  Granted that the world has no beginning in time; up to every given
moment of time; an eternity must have elapsed; and therewith passed
away an infinite series of successive conditions or states of things
in the world。 Now the infinity of a series consists in the fact that
it never can be pleted by means of a successive synthesis。 It
follows that an infinite series already elapsed is impossible and
that; consequently; a beginning of the world is a necessary
condition of its existence。 And this was the first thing to be proved。
  As regards the second; let us take the opposite for granted。 In this
case; the world must be an infinite given total of coexistent
things。 Now we cannot cogitate the dimensions of a quantity; which
is not given within certain limits of an intuition;* in any other
way than by means of the synthesis of its parts; and the total of such
a quantity only by means of a pleted synthesis; or the repeated
addition of unity to itself。 Accordingly; to cogitate the world; which
fills all spaces; as a whole; the successive synthesis of the parts of
an infinite world must be looked upon as pleted; that is to say; an
infinite time must be regarded as having elapsed in the enumeration of
all co…existing things; which is impossible。 For this reason an
infinite aggregate of actual things cannot be considered as a given
whole; consequently; not as a contemporaneously given whole。 The world
is consequently; as regards extension in space; not infinite; but
enclosed in limits。 And this was the second thing to be proved。

  *We may consider an undetermined quantity as a whole; when it is
enclosed within limits; although we cannot construct or ascertain
its totality by measurement; that is; by the successive synthesis of
its parts。 For its limits of themselves determine its pleteness
as a whole。


  The world has no beginning; and no limits in space; but is; in
relation both to time and space; infinite。


  For let it be granted that it has a beginning。 A beginning is an
existence which is preceded by a time in which the thing does not
exist。 On the above supposition; it follows that there must have
been a time in which the world did not exist; that is; a void time。
But in a void time the origination of a thing is impossible; because
no part of any such time contains a distinctive condition of being; in
preference to that of non…being (whether the supposed thing
originate of itself; or by means of some other cause)。 Consequently;
many series of things may have a beginning in the world; but the world
itself cannot have a beginning; and is; therefore; in relation to past
time; infinite。
  As regards the second statement; let us first take the opposite
for granted… that the world is finite and limited in space; it follows
that it must exist in a void space; which is not limited。 We should
therefore meet not only with a relation of things in space; but also a
relation of things to space。 Now; as the world is an absolute whole;
out of and beyond which no object of intuition; and consequently no
correlate to which can be discovered; this relation of the world to
a void space is merely a relation to no object。 But such a relation;
and consequently the limitation of the world by void space; is
nothing。 Consequently; the world; as regards space; is not limited;
that is; it is infinite in regard to extension。*

  *Space is merely the form of external intuition (formal
intuition); and not a real object which can be externally perceived。
Space; prior to all things which determine it (fill or limit it);
or; rather; which present an empirical intuition conformable to it;
is; under the title of absolute space; nothing but the mere
possibility of external phenomena; in so far as they either exist in
themselves; or can annex themselves to given intuitions。 Empirical
intuition is therefore not a position of phenomena and space (of
perception and empty intuition)。 The one is not the correlate of the
other in a synthesis; but they are vitally connected in the same
empirical intuition; as matter and form。 If we wish to set one of
these two apart from the other… space from phenomena… there arise
all sorts of empty determinations of external intuition; which are
very far from being possible perceptions。 For example; motion or
rest of the world in an infinite empty space; or a determination of
the mutual relation of both; cannot possibly be perceived; and is
therefore merely the predicate of a notional entity。


                     ON THE THESIS。

  In bringing forward these conflicting arguments; I have not been
on the search for sophisms; for the purpose of availing myself of
special pleading; which takes advantage of the carelessness of the
opposite party; appeals to a misunderstood statute; and erects its
unrighteous claims upon an unfair interpretation。 Both proofs
originate fairly from the nature of the case; and the advantage
presented by the mistakes of the dogmatists of both parties has been
pletely set aside。
  The thesis might also have been unfairly demonstrated; by the
introduction of an erroneous conception of the infinity of a given
quantity。 A quantity is infinite; if a greater than itself cannot
possibly exist。 The quantity is measured by the number of given units…
which are taken as a standard… contained in it。 Now no number can be
the greatest; because one or more u
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