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least be; in relation to me; nothing。 That representation which can be
given previously to all thought is called intuition。 All the diversity
or manifold content of intuition; has; therefore; a necessary relation
to the 'I think;〃 in the subject in which this diversity is found。 But
this representation; 〃I think;〃 is an act of spontaneity; that is to
say; it cannot be regarded as belonging to mere sensibility。 I call it
pure apperception; in order to distinguish it from empirical; or
primitive apperception; because it is self…consciousness which; whilst
it gives birth to the representation〃 I think;〃 must necessarily be
capable of acpanying all our representations。 It is in all acts
of consciousness one and the same; and unacpanied by it; no
representation can exist for me。 The unity of this apperception I call
the transcendental unity of self…consciousness; in order to indicate
the possibility of a priori cognition arising from it。 For the
manifold representations which are given in an intuition would not all
of them be my representations; if they did not all belong to one
self…consciousness; that is; as my representations (even although I am
not conscious of them as such); they must conform to the condition
under which alone they can exist together in a mon
self…consciousness; because otherwise they would not all without
exception belong to me。 From this primitive conjunction follow many
important results。
  For example; this universal identity of the apperception of the
manifold given in intuition contains a synthesis of representations
and is possible only by means of the consciousness of this
synthesis。 For the empirical consciousness which acpanies different
representations is in itself fragmentary and disunited; and without
relation to the identity of the subject。 This relation; then; does not
exist because I acpany every representation with consciousness; but
because I join one representation to another; and am conscious of
the synthesis of them。 Consequently; only because I can connect a
variety of given representations in one consciousness; is it
possible that I can represent to myself the identity of
consciousness in these representations; in other words; the analytical
unity of apperception is possible only under the presupposition of a
synthetical unity。* The thought; 〃These representations given in
intuition belong all of them to me;〃 is accordingly just the same
as; 〃I unite them in one self…consciousness; or can at least so
unite them〃; and although this thought is not itself the consciousness
of the synthesis of representations; it presupposes the possibility of
it; that is to say; for the reason alone that I can prehend the
variety of my representations in one consciousness; do I call them
my representations; for otherwise I must have as many…coloured and
various a self as are the representations of which I am conscious。
Synthetical unity of the manifold in intuitions; as given a priori; is
therefore the foundation of the identity of apperception itself; which
antecedes a priori all determinate thought。 But the conjunction of
representations into a conception is not to be found in objects
themselves; nor can it be; as it were; borrowed from them and taken up
into the understanding by perception; but it is on the contrary an
operation of the understanding itself; which is nothing more than
the faculty of conjoining a priori and of bringing the variety of
given representations under the unity of apperception。 This
principle is the highest in all human cognition。

  *All general conceptions… as such… depend; for their existence; on
the analytical unity of consciousness。 For example; when I think of
red in general; I thereby think to myself a property which (as a
characteristic mark) can be discovered somewhere; or can be united
with other representations; consequently; it is only by means of a
forethought possible synthetical unity that I can think to myself
the analytical。 A representation which is cogitated as mon to
different representations; is regarded as belonging to such as;
besides this mon representation; contain something different;
consequently it must be previously thought in synthetical unity with
other although only possible representations; before I can think in it
the analytical unity of consciousness which makes it a conceptas
munis。 And thus the synthetical unity of apperception is the
highest point with which we must connect every operation of the
understanding; even the whole of logic; and after it our
transcendental philosophy; indeed; this faculty is the understanding

  This fundamental principle of the necessary unity of apperception is
indeed an identical; and therefore analytical; proposition; but it
nevertheless explains the necessity for a synthesis of the manifold
given in an intuition; without which the identity of
self…consciousness would be incogitable。 For the ego; as a simple
representation; presents us with no manifold content; only in
intuition; which is quite different from the representation ego; can
it be given us; and by means of conjunction it is cogitated in one
self…consciousness。 An understanding; in which all the manifold should
be given by means of consciousness itself; would be intuitive; our
understanding can only think and must look for its intuition to sense。
I am; therefore; conscious of my identical self; in relation to all
the variety of representations given to me in an intuition; because
I call all of them my representations。 In other words; I am
conscious myself of a necessary a priori synthesis of my
representations; which is called the original synthetical unity of
apperception; under which rank all the representations presented to
me; but that only by means of a synthesis。

    The Principle of the Synthetical Unity of Apperception
         is the highest Principle of all exercise of
                  the Understanding。 SS 13

  The supreme principle of the possibility of all intuition in
relation to sensibility was; according to our transcendental
aesthetic; that all the manifold in intuition be subject to the formal
conditions of space and time。 The supreme principle of the possibility
of it in relation to the understanding is that all the manifold in
it be subject to conditions of the originally synthetical unity or
apperception。* To the former of these two principles are subject all
the various representations of intuition; in so far as they are
given to us; to the latter; in so far as they must be capable of
conjunction in one consciousness; for without this nothing can be
thought or cognized; because the given representations would not
have in mon the act Of the apperception 〃I think〃 and therefore
could not be connected in one self…consciousness。

  *Space and time; and all portions thereof; are intuitions;
consequently are; with a manifold for their content; single
representations。 (See the Transcendental Aesthetic。) Consequently;
they are not pure conceptions; by means of which the same
consciousness is found in a great number of representations; but; on
the contrary; they are many representations contained in one; the
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