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    De Bono; E (1992) Surpetition; Harper Business; New York    
    Drucker; P (1985) Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Butterworth Heinemann; Oxford    
    EC (2001) European mission Innovation Paper No 22; Innobarometer; European mission; Brussels    
    Euromonitor (2002) Textile washing products; Euromonitor International (Jun)    
    Farson; R and Keyes; R (2002) The failure…tolerant leader; Harvard Business Review; (Aug); pp 64…71    
    Warner; F (2002) How Goggle searches itself; Fast pany; July 2002; pp 50…54    
    Fradette; M and Michaud; S (1998) The Power of Corporate Kinetics; Simon and Schuster; New York    
    Jobs; S (1988) The Journey is the Reward; Lynx Books; New York    
    Morgan; A (1999) Eating the Big Fish; Adweek Books; New York    
    Orridge; M (1996) 75 Ways to Liven Up Your Training; Gower; Aldershot    
    Product Development Institute  (2002)  Stage…Gate  [Online]  prod…dev。  (accessed October 2002)    
    Reid; G (2002) Turbulence; flexibility and performance of the long…lived small firm; The Times (25 Jun); p 32    
    Ridderstrale; J and Nordstrom; K (1999) Funky Business; Bookhouse Publishing; Sweden    
    Salter; C (2002) Ivy Ross is not playing around; Fast pany (Nov); pp 104…10    
    Sethi R; Smith D and Whan Park; C (2002) How to kill a team's creativity; Harvard Business Review (Aug); pp 16…17    
    Sloane; P (1999) Are you a lateral leader? Innovative Leader; 8 (8)    
    Sloane; P (2002) Ten great ways to crush creativity; Business Age (Oct)    
    Sloane; P and MacHale; D (1993) Challenging Lateral Thinking Puzzles; Sterling; New York    
    Sloane; P and MacHale; D (1997) Perplexing Lateral Thinking Puzzles; Sterling; New York    
    Sloane; P and MacHale; D (1998) Ingenious Lateral Thinking Puzzles; Sterling; New York    
    Sloane; P and MacHale; D (2000) Super Lateral Thinking Puzzles; Sterling; New York    
    Stein; N (2002) Deadline USA; Fortune (8 Jul); pp 67…70    
    Swatch (2002) Swatch pany History [Online]  swatchgroup。ch/pany/past。php    
    Thornton; P and Folios; M (2002) Strategy; Paradigms and Cowdung; Peter Bowman Group    
    Tischler; L (2002) He struck gold on the Net; Fast pany (Jun) pp 40…44 [Online] goldcorpchallenge (accessed September 2002)    
    von Oech; R (1983) A Whack on the Side of the Head; Warner; New  York    
    Warner; F (2002) Detroit muscle; Fast pany (Jun); pp 88…94    
    Welch; J (2001) Jack: What I've learned leading a great pany and great people; Headline; New York    


    Allan; D; Kingdon; M; Murrin; K and Rudkin; D (1999) What If!; Capstone; Oxford    
    Buzan; T (1988) Make the Most of your Mind; Pan; London    
    Cooper; R (2001)Winning at New Products; Perseus Books; New York    
    Foster; J (1996) How to Get Ideas; Berret…Koehler; San Francisco    
    Gladwell; M (2002) The Tipping Point; Abacus    
    Hall; D (1995) Jump Start your Brain; Warner; New York    
    Handy; C (1994) The Empty Raincoat; Hutchinson; London    
    Harvey…Jones; J (1993) Managing to Survive; Heinemann; London    
    Kelley; T (2001) The Art of Innovation; Harper Collins; London    
    Kriegel; R (1991) If It Ain't Broke 。。。Break it!; Warner; New York    
    Mattimore; B (1994) 99% Inspiration; Ama; New York    
    Michalko; M (1998) Cracking Creativity; Ten Speed Press; Berkeley    
    Peters; T (1994) The Tom Peters Seminar; Vintage; New York    
    Robinson; K (2001) Out of our Minds; Capstone; Oxford    
    Sloane; P (1991) Lateral Thinking Puzzlers; Sterling; New York    
    Sloane; P (1994) Test Your Lateral Thinking IQ; Sterling; New York    
    Wujec; T (1995) Five Star Mind; Doubleday; Toronto    


    保罗·奥夫利(Paul Orfalea)    
    横向领导者(lateral leader)    
    格雷·哈默(Gary Hamel)    
    安迪·格鲁夫(Andy Grove)    
    横向领导(lateral leadership)    
    尼古拉斯·哈耶克(Nicholas Hayek)    
    创造性思维(creative thinking)    
    横向思维(lateral thinking)    
    迈克尔·库伦(Michael Cullen)    
    传统领导者(conventional leader)    
    温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)    
    创新目标(innovation objective)    
    阿尔弗莱德·韦斯特(Alfred West)    
    劳·郭士纳(Lou Gerstner)    
    杰克·韦尔奇(Jack Welch)    
    罗格·范·奥驰(Roger von Oech)    
    狄克·布朗(Dick Brown)    
    斯蒂芬·卡威(Stephen Covey)    
    加文·雷德教授(Professor Gavin Reid)    
    固特异公司(Uniroyal Goodyear)    
    查尔斯·阿梅斯(Charles Ames)    
    尼古拉斯·哥白尼(Nicolaus Copernicus)    
    古格里尔莫·马可尼(Guglielmo Marconi)    
    亨利·福特(Henry Ford)    
    马其诺防线(Maginot Line)    
    幻影工作室(Phantom Works)    
    网景导航者(Netscape Navigator)    
    菲尔·耐特(Phil Knight)    
    西蒙·纽科姆(Simon Newb)    
    戴奥尼索斯·拉德纳博士(Dr Dionysius Lardner)    
    厄恩斯特·沃纳·范·西门子(Ernst Werner von Siemens)    
    萨缪尔·佩皮斯(Samuel Pepys)    
    查理斯·杜尔(Charles Duell)    
    厄恩斯特·卢瑟福(Ernest Rutherford)    
    劳德·开尔文(Lord Kelvin)    
    H·G·韦尔斯(H G Wells)    
    H·M·华纳(H M Warner)    
    欧文·费舍尔(Irving Fisher)    
    阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦博士(Dr Albert Einstein)    
    威廉·莱希(William Leahy)    
    雷克斯·拉姆伯特(Rex Lambert)    
    约翰·兰登东—戴维斯(John Langdon…Davies)    
    理查德·伍利爵士(Sir Richard Woolley)    
    堂·罗(Don Rowe)    
    布赖恩·爱泼斯坦(Brian Epstein)    
    弗兰克·辛巴德(Frank Sinatra)    
    肯·奥尔森(Ken Olson)    
    比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)    
    安迪·格鲁夫(Andy Grove)    
    戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)    
    查理斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)    
    加拉帕哥斯群岛(the Galapagos)    
    迪克·福斯贝利(Dick Forsbury)    
    阿尔伯特·森特—哲尔吉(Albert Szent…Gyorgy)    
    萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali)    
    莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)    
    赛勒斯·麦考密克(Cyrus McCormick)    
    视觉头脑风暴法(visual brainstorming)    
    托尼·布赞(Tony Buzan)    
    心智图法(mind mapping)    
    形象联系(Visual Links)    
    约翰尼斯·古腾堡(Johannes Gutenberg)    
    乔治·孟德尔(Gregor Mendel)    
    亚瑟·弗莱依(Arthur Frye)    
    特雷弗·贝里斯(Trevor Bayliss)    


    克拉伦斯·伯宰(Clarence Birdseye)    
    亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)    
    阿莫·彼海德(Amar Bhide)    
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