From the Memoirs of a Minister of Franceby Stanley WeymanCONTENTS.I.THE CLOCKMAKER OF POISSYII.THE TENNIS BALLSIII.TWO MAYORS OF BOTTITORTIV.LA TOUSSAINTV.THE LOST CIPHERVI.THE MAN OF MONCEAUXVII.THE GOVERNOR OF GUERETVIII.THE OPEN SHUTTERIX.THE MAID OF HONOURX.FARMING THE TAXESXI.THE CAT AND THE KINGXII.AT FONTAINEBLEAUI. THE CLOCKMAKER OF POISSY.Foreseeing that some who do not love me will be swift to allege that in the preparation of these memoirs I have set down only such things as redound to my credit, and have suppressed the many experiences not so propitious which fall to the lot of the most sagacious while in power, I take this opportunity of refuting that calumny. For the truth st
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