Frederick the Great and His Familyby L. Muhlbach[Variant spellings: Louise Muhlbach, Luise Muhlbach and Luise von Muhlbach]TRANSLATED FROM GERMAN BYMRS. CHAPMAN COLEMAN AND HER DAUGHTERSCONTENTS.BOOK I.I. The KingII. Prince HenryIII. Louise von KleistIV. At the Masked BallV. A Secret CaptainVI. The Legacy of Von Trenck, Colonel of the PandoursVII. The King and WeingartenVIII. The Unwilling BridegroomIX. The First DisappointmentX. The ConqueredXI. The Travelling MusiciansXII. Travelling AdventuresXIII. The Drag-BoatXIV. In AmsterdamXV. The King without Shoes...
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