Queen Victoriaby Lytton StracheyCONTENTSCHAPTERI. ANTECEDENTSII. CHILDHOODIII. LORD MELBOURNEIV. MARRIAGEV. LORD PALMERSTONVI. LAST YEARS OF THE PRINCE CONSORTVII. WIDOWHOODVIII. MR. GLADSTONE AND LORD BEACONSFIELDIX. OLD AGEX. THE ENDBIBLIOGRAPHYQUEEN VICTORIACHAPTER I. ANTECEDENTSIOn November 6, 1817, died the Princess Charlotte, only child of the Prince Regent, and heir to the crown of England. Her short life had hardly been a happy one. By nature impulsive, capricious, and vehement, she had always longed for liberty; and she had never possessed it. She had been brought up among violent family quarrels, had been early separated from her disreputable and eccentric mothe